New Ukraine Missions Updates

You likely received a text-only email of our update this morning.  Please click on the link below to visit the new blog and read the post in it’s entirety.

We would like for you to receive the new updates in html format, but you will need to register online for the blog.  Please take a second and register by going to and create your account.  You can register using several social networks (such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.) or by just entering another username and email.  NOTE: If you use your social networking account to register, we will not be accessing any of your personal information.  This option allows you to easily share a post on your social network if you are interested in such.  You can add multiple social accounts under the “profile” after registering.

Once you register you will receive an html version of the news & updates as well as be able to access and share it from our new blog site (
