Report 01 – October 1, 2014


Greetings from Kyiv, Ukraine!

Mike Lawson and I were scheduled to arrive on the same flight from Amsterdam to Borispol on Tuesday—Thanks to Delta airlines that did not happen. My flight was delayed 1+ hours out of Atlanta but Mike left on schedule from Detroit. He arrived as scheduled while I was able to get rebooked quickly by KLM. We both are in country, beat up by the travel but ready to get going! Tanya and Olga met us at the Borispol Airport. Immediately Mike left for the bus depot in Kyiv where he took a 6 hour bus ride to Sumy where he is meeting with the Church and discussing actions by which the Church can utilize benevolent shipments to benefit their community. Today Mike met with a university and then had several other appointments. He sent this quick email to me: Olya and I arrived in Sumy at 19:15. We are going to the University in the morning at 9:30 to speak to a class. If possible, I’d like to nail down times for the Uman trip and talk some about customs before meeting with Vova. Mike

The first week I am here I am scheduled for a number of meetings in Kyiv. Mike and I will reunite this weekend and go to Uman, Cherkassy Oblast. We then go to Ivano-Frankivsk, Kherson, Zhitomyr, Zaporozhyne and then back to Kyiv.

The first full day in-country has been spent in a fog trying to walk through the time difference (it is 8 hours difference between here and the USA Central Time Zone).

The weather here is late fall with night temps reaching the lower 30’s. All day there has been a cold northern breeze blowing.

Throughout today I have been in constant contact with various individuals about the developing situation in Ukraine with regard to the Russian aggression. The total number of deaths is approaching 4,000 and the so-called “cease fire” is a joke as the Russian back anarchists continue their campaign of terrorism. There still remains a meager amount of supplies that continues to come into the country. There is an embarrassing silence of news as Russia continues to foment evil unrest and terrorist threatening all in the name of “protecting the Russian speaking people.” It has been documented and demonstrated that those fighting in Donetsk and Lugansk are not Ukrainians but are Russians. Today there was a strong battle in Donetsk for the airport—the rebels launched the attacks with grad missiles and tanks (all weapons used by the rebels are supplied by Russia). The fact that the Ukrainian military has held on as long as it has is amazing. Once the airport has been taken then Russia will probably turn to Mariupol to establish a land bridge to Crimea. The daily briefings are distressing.

When you look at the trauma and suffering that this world provides the Christian must be encouraged knowing that this is a span in time through which we are only present for the briefest of moments! How wonderful is the hereafter for those who are truly prepared for it!

I have talked with a number of brethren and they are most eager for me and Mike to come and visit!

I have also been in communication with those working with us as consignees for the shipments of benevolent items sent and distributed in the Name of the Lord and His Church. One of these consignees is Eugenia from Kherson. Those who read the spring reports will remember that it was Eugenia who took me to the mud baths so my body would be better. This time she sent a hospitality welcoming gift—one large smoked fish (in the picture above) and one large dried fish That Tanya is enjoying below).

Thank you for your financial support and prayers for the brethren in Ukraine and for the welfare of the Lord’s Church in Ukraine!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Kyiv, Ukraine