Report 2—02 October 2014…Never heard in the mainstream media

Report 2—02 October 2014…Never heard in the mainstream media

Today has been a day spent face to face with the reality of evil and the sufferings of the innocent yet at the end of the day an amazing opportunity presented itself!

Here is a story you will never read about in the mainstream media. The inhumane aggression of Russia has all but vanished from the media’s reporting. But the silence of the media has only emboldened and prodded Putin’s Russia to exercise even more evil…The Donetsk Airport has been the location of fierce fighting ever since Russia’s aggression began. The pro-Russian separatists attempted to take the airport so they could have logistical delivery of their evil weaponry expedited. The separatists thought they had the facility secured but then Ukrainian forces drove out the would-be rulers. Countering this Russia sent in troops from Chechnya but these forces were driven back with many casualties. Ever since the early days of the war the Donetsk Airport has been in the hands of the Ukrainian military. There is a narrow corridor that offers a secure access into the airport. The scene is unbelievable. The new structure has been destroyed. As one cautiously walks through the bombed structures you see countless bullet marks. Not a single glass pane is intact. Within the secured section of the airport proper you will find 62 Ukrainian soldiers…only 62. They have been holding off the offensive attacks and probing raids that the Separatists Rebels, the Chechnyans and now the Russians have repeatedly thrown against them. Grad rockets have fallen. Russian tanks have charged. And the 62 still remain. Supplies have continued coming into the group. They look worn but determined. Their eyes are set—they see only forward not even glancing at the safe corridor that remains. These 62 were in Ukraine’s Afghanistan contribution to the world’s military action. They have stood and held their position against unbelievable forces. Russia will never give a casualty count but the on-going count here is that Russian, Chechnya’s, and Separatists losses number in the thousands (you never will hear this on the mainstream media!). If the wind current is blowing in the right direction you will smell the decomposition of those who tried and failed to take the Donetsk Airport. Many of the dead have not been buried. True to Russian standards the dead are left where they fall as they are no use to the Russian State. More could be said about these 62 but time will have to pass before the true facts are fully revealed. But remember, you did NOT hear this on the mainstream media!

There is another story you did not hear about in the mainstream media…It comes from Ilovask, UA. In 1998-1999 we established a congregation in this critical logistical hub of Ukraine’s railways. The first Sunday after the campaign 50 gathered to worship God according to the New Testament pattern. We kept hearing all through that campaign how significant a location Ilovask held for transportation and security. This fact has been validated by the Russian war. Just as the military of Ukraine was about to complete its anti-terrorist operations and sweep the pro-Russian Separatists into defeat, Putin sent the Russian army to secure the strategically located transportation hub of Ilovask. A contingent of Ukraine’s military had been dispatched to that location at the beginning of the war. When Putin realized that his proxy army was going down in defeat (regardless of the unlimited supplies that Russia had provided), he ordered the first Russian troops to secure Ilovask. The battle lasted briefly as the Ukrainian military was outgunned by the modern technical weapons of Russia. According to the main stream media Putin and the Russians had granted a “safe corridor” for the Ukraine military to withdraw from Ilovask. What you did not read in the main stream media is the fact that Russia did open a corridor but dug in tanks along the way of the withdrawing Ukrainians. When the Ukrainians had withdrawn from the safety of the city the tanks opened fire. There were 1,000+ Ukrainian military troops massacred on that “safe corridor.” The world’s media applauded Russia’s compassion in opening the safe corridor, but the world’s media was sinfully silent about the massacre that occurred!

And here is third point to consider because you will never hear it on the nightly news reports of the mainstream media…today I learned that the Pro-Russian forces have set up fees for all wishing to either leave or enter Donetsk. If someone wants to go into Donetsk they have to pay 1,500 grievnas (a little over $100.00). If they want to leave Donetsk they have to pay 2,000.00 grievnas)!

Today I went shopping to assist some of those displaced by the war to purchase basic essentials in the kitchen…pots, pans, skillets, bowls, etc. It was an experience going with those who have nothing and they just cannot comprehend why evil is permitted to rob them of their homes, possessions and everything they have worked a lifetime to have—suddenly they have nothing. That is a shocking realization.

In today’s meetings I have learned a number of facts that are a part of our operations:

1. 2,000 orphans from Donetsk/Lugansk Regions have been displaced within the last month—some were dropped off by parents who were seeking safety for their children from the war and now those parents have disappeared; some have parents who were killed by the war; and some were true orphans. These 2,000 were sent out to various Regions for placement and temporary housing—they have been scattered all over Ukraine and 99% of these children have no idea where their parents are or if their parents are even alive.

2. 40 metric tonnes of clothes were taken to Korosten, Zhitomyr Region. From this amount of clothing over 700 displaced families (with most having at least 4 children) were helped and the Administrator called saying that they had only 15 bags of clothes left and more and more were coming because winter’s cold has arrived.

And now for the GREAT NEWS at the end of this draining day…

I met a contact in the government of Ukraine around 6:00 p.m. and was thanked for the many containers that are on their way. He pointed out that from the containers already sent this year that the commodities arrived just in time and were of great help in assisting those displaced and suffering from the war. He assured me that any medical or food items would be put to immediate use and I should not worry about any problems with my shipments.

He then told me that Europe is offering a number of urgently needed relief supplies free but shipping must be paid (there is a most interesting explanation on Europe offering this food but I cannot go into that here but when I have opportunity to present a verbal report I will discuss this point). I asked what he knew was available. He said that today he was called and was offered 27,000 metric tonnes (29,000+ USA tons or about 58,000 POUNDS) of relief commodities if he could pay the shipping from Europe to Ukraine. He said that these commodities included: children’s vitamin drinks, children’s protein food mixes for children up to 2 years old, flour, canned meats and canned vegetables. Shipping will be $4,500.00 including all distribution costs, documentation, certificates, and a clean Customs clearance!

And I was told that such opportunities are available because last week there was another offer of 29,000 metric tonnes that had to be turned away because there was not enough funds to pay the shipping.

I asked about the distribution to those congregations and orphanages where we work and was assured that such would be possible. Note: Today I received an email from a brother who works in Dneprodzerzhinsk and Verkhnedneprovsk (Dnepropetrovsk Region), Poltava and Zaporozhe. He asked if there was any way the refugees they are helping can receive some of the relief commodities we have sent. I asked about these locations and was told that was certainly possible that assistance can be sent anywhere EXCEPT Donetsk or Lugansk. Those two areas are banned because of the pro-Russian attitudes and anarchy that will rob any relief assistance sent.

So tonight I send this post out to you asking if you will help offer comfort, consolation and compassion to those who are stunned and barely hanging on to a belief that God is in control. We are not able to explain all of the “Whys?” but we can show the love of Christ to those who are battered by this world of sin and sorrow.

Will you join with others and help us raise the funds to ship 58,000 POUNDS of relief items from Europe into Ukraine?

If you have followed our updates on relief shipments you know that a number of brethren have joined in donating for the cost of these shipments. We continue collecting a shipping from the USA but here is an opportunity to do much good and have the commodities delivered while I and Mike are in-country to see the delivery and beginning of distribution.

If you can help please send your donation to:
Ukraine Relief, 2934 East Moore Street, Searcy, Arkansas 72143

Please inform others as to what is happening in Ukraine and how the Lord’s People are responding—in the midst of the darkness of evil, the compassion of God’s gospel light is shining!

Be sure to tell others they can read updates on this mission trip at:

Thank you for your financial support and prayers for the brethren in Ukraine and for the welfare of the Lord’s Church in Ukraine!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Kyiv, Ukraine