Newspaper reports on our efforts

Displaced children in Kyiv Region
Children displaced by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have been relocated in the Kyiv Region

Beginning 27 December 2013 I received a request to assist a group in the Kyiv Region that focuses upon “marginalized categories of people, orphanages, homeless people, aged people, patients in different medical spheres, and others.” The Russia invaded and the nation of Ukraine was thrown into crisis. The care for the “marginalized categories” became more critical. We were asked to help clothe, feed, and furnish as much as possible a summer camp that has been transformed, as best as possible, into winter quarters for children displaced by the Russian evil. On Monday 24 November 2014 we loaded a cargo container with commodities specifically for this location.
trying to winterize
In October they were hurriedly trying to winterize the buildings to protect the children.

The load was a very good one and was the result of many brethren from Arkansas, Illinois, Tennessee and Iowa working together. Here were the final load totals:
• 1,538 items loaded
• 23,357 pounds shipped
• $180,195.00 total value of container’s cargo
Thank You
When the children heard we were sending a container they sent us their “thank you” notes!

The Searcy Citizen came out and below is a report published in the newspaper. Please click to open the PDF of the newspaper article.
14 11 Searcy Citizen Loading TINF114

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