UKRAINE MISSIONS November Newsletter



Please click on the link below to access the November 2014 UKRAINE MISSION newsletter. I think the reports in this month’s newsletter will encourage you as you read of the progress of the gospel and the impact that is being made for the Lord by His Church. Please circulate this to as many as possible so they can know of the GREAT good that is being done by the Lord’s power on the mission field of Ukraine.

The traumas of Russia’s invasion continue to cause evil in the east and this has a rippling effect throughout all of Ukraine. Ukraine continues to struggle with heroic energy to defend its sovereignty. The evils of anarchy continue to plague Donetsk, Lugansk and the Crimea. Putin’s Russia continues to supply munitions and troops in Russia’s invasion of a sovereign State.

In this month’s newsletter you will read from brethren as they discuss the situation in Ukraine. Not only are they facing the evils of a secular (worldly) nature but they are also confronted by evils of a religious nature. But the good news is that our brethren are remaining steadfast. They remain engaged in their mission and their attention has not been diverted. They are constantly busy with very little spare time but good things are happening.

Here are two excerpts from the newsletter that I want to highlight for you…

“This month our congregation has helped 14 hospitals with hospital linens and furniture. We try to preach the Gospel and give away Bibles with our address and phone number. We have helped the Maternity Home for several years not only with material things but we also have given Bibles for each ward so that young mothers could read them; we have given adult and children’s Bibles to the staff there. Being in one of the hospitals I met an Orthodox Priest who came to collect money from the patients. When he saw our Bibles he said it was not allowed to read the Bible on your own because Orthodox Church is the only legal church and has the right to interpret the Bible. People at the hospital resented his words and said that he was going around collecting money while those people he mocked (the Lord’s Church) not only gave Bibles to them but they also gave beds, bedside tables, linens and had been doing that for a long time. Priest was very angry at me and started threatening me saying that I was working on “his territory” and he said he would not let me get by with it.” (Ivan)

“And there is yet more good news to report. Moreover, deputies from Cherniyiv, which is ten kilometers away from Starry Lysets, are willing to give us a meeting place for our work and ministry. Thus, we will be able to cover the whole district preaching the simplicity of salvation to people. This open door is added to work of Paval in Krivvy Rig and you see that much evangelism is active and it is all because of God’s mercy and your help. It has taken us some time to establish these contacts with the local government and we are thankful to God for opening doors to us through these people. Repairs of these meeting places will be our next step and we are working on that. I hope that God will bless this work.” (Volodya)

Read through this report and give serious thought as to how you can join with us in taking the gospel into all the world!

Thank you for you your financial support that enables me to be involved and be positioned to share the good news of our efforts!

Best wishes,

PLEASE CLICK HERE to open the PDF of the November newsletter.
14 11 November Monthly Newsletter