November Reports from Haiti & Ukraine

“During our last visit, there was a baptism of a lady, Tamara, after the service.” (Andrew Zhuravlyov)

Here are three reports (from Ukraine and Haiti) that I think you will find informative. The reports from Ukraine come from Andrew and Dennis and David gives us a report about a shipment of shoes that arrived in Gonaives, Haiti. I have placed just a short except from each. You can click on the PDF link at the end of this post to read the full reports.

From Andrew…Unfortunately, the situation in Gorlovka got worse in November. For several months now, both Ukrainian and DNR armies are fortifying their positions. Neither of sides makes advancements. However, they use heavy artillery. Since Gorlovka is a front-line town, there are daily shootings in different parts of town, and that destroys infrastructure and leads to deaths among civilians. Our fellow Christians who stayed in Gorlovka tell that DNR shoots at Ukrainian army positions from living quarters. Often the answer follows. The formations of DNR insurgents are strong and big in numbers. They are armed with weapons from Russia. Ukrainian experts state that the war will not end for as long as Russia is helping those insurgents. In summer mass media infirmed that there are weeks until the war actions cease, but now many Ukrainian politicians state that it will take years to solve this conflict…(continued in the PDF that you open by clicking on the link below).

From Denis…I want to share with you some news of the events that happened in Ukraine, Bible institute and Ternopil Church of Christ…The year 2014 became a time of change, test and hope. We still personally feel the pain and sorrow of what is going on in our country. Unfortunately, the military actions continue taking place in the eastern part of our country. Gorlovka is still on the occupied territory, and we can’t return there. The building of the institute and the church has been made into the headquarters if the terrorists and it’s a wishful thinking that this conflict will end any time soon. We continue praying for peace. Many families are left with no place and no means to live. And there are thousands of them… A month ago, we sent help to those were in dire need of it (food, replacing broken widows etc.). I know many American brethren continue helping those who went through all this suffering, and it is very important and needed of course. We thank those who participate in this ministry…As far as I know, we are the only congregation that was formed in Western Ukraine because of the military actions in the East. Of course all new beginnings require additional work, and we try to remind and invite people of our neighborhood to come to Sunday services…Yes, many people know about us already. We have made contacts with people working at near-by shops, pharmacies and post-office. In the next few days, we will hang a big banner that will inform people about the church that meets at this place. As Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 3:6-7, we continue working diligently, but it is the Lord Who gives the growth…(continued in the PDF that you open by clicking on the link below).

From David…We will start the distribution process—to hundreds of happy children. You guys are great!…Thank you so very much for the help in getting our 2700 pairs of shoes to Haiti. I did not know until further conversation with Gueston Pacius that this contribution was such an incredible help to these children (average cost of USED shoes in Gonaives—$30/pair)…(continued in the PDF that you open by clicking on the link below).

Haiti & Ukraine Updates

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