UKRAINE MISSIONS newsletter December 2014

Dear brethren,

Here is the final newsletter of 2014! Our primary effort in this ministry is to make sure that the Lord’s mission dollars are well spent with the greatest stewardship possible. I continue to believe that we are involved in a work for the Lord that is unparalleled in the Church. Our efforts are made possible because of the amazing cooperation we receive from so many—our volunteers that sort, prep and load; those who donate commodities; those who contribute money to help pay the bills; those who spread the word about our efforts and encourage others to join with us—all join together to bring glory to God and His Church and open opportunities for the furtherance of the gospel.

Below is the link to click to access the December UKRAINE MISSIONS newsletter. This month’s newsletter is quite lengthy because it contains personal reports and reflections from your brothers and sisters in Ukraine. I have found their reports to be very encouraging for a number of reasons, but the one factor that pervades each is a firm faith in the Almighty God and loyalty to His Word. Ukraine continues to struggle against the evils that Putin’s Russia is pressing with its invasion and occupation and destruction in the eastern Oblasts and Crimea.

On Wednesday we will load our first container of 2015. This container will eventually find its way into Kramatorsk where Vlad and the brethren will distribute to those orphaned by Russia’s evil and offer assistance to those displaced and wounded by the anarchists.
Among those reporting in this month’s newsletters are:
 Tetiana Zozulina who shares her thoughts on the fall mission trip and other aspects of our efforts in Ukraine.
 Ivan Skoleba who offers his encouraging insights to the Lord’s amazing works in Ivano-Frankivsk.
 Vladimir Paziy who remains in the Donetsk Oblast working in Kramatorsk.
 Dennis Sopelnik offers one of the most encouraging reports that I have read as he describes the on-going efforts of training those who will labor for the Lord in Ukraine. The school had to move to Ternipol but it is doing exceptionally well and Denis is directing the School in a most commendable manner to reverence respect to God’s Word and train those who are sound in the Faith.
 Pavel Tuznichenko reports on his efforts in Krivy Rog to revive a congregation of the Lord’s Church that had ceased to assemble in that city of over 400,000.
 Volodya Didukh sends a very encouraging report of his work in western Ukraine.
 Andrew Zhuravlyov sends an update on his efforts as he continues to work with congregations in the Kyiv area and praying for the time he can return to Gorlovka and assemble in the meeting house that the pro-Russian anarchists have seized.

Click below to read these amazing reports and continue to pray for our brethren in Ukraine, and in other nations (including the USA) as they struggle against devilish actions that seek to compromise, stymie, and destroy God’s Church.
14 12 December Monthly Newsletter