Ukraine Missions Newsletter January 2015

Pic of IDP girl
A young girl is fed at one of the feeding locations where food from our containers has been made available to children displaced by Russia’s invasion and occupation of Crimea, Donetsk, and Lugansk.

Dear brethren, Here is the January 2015 issue of UKRAINE MISSIONS newsletter!!! This newsletter brings to you reports from our brethren in Ukraine. The stresses of the war that resulted from Russia’s invasion and occupation are still burdening Ukraine. Thousands have been murdered and millions have been displaced with little more than the clothes they had on their backs in May when they fled from the invading Russian troops.
Our Ukrainian brethren have been involved in the exhausting efforts to show compassion for the orphaned, widowed, elderly and displaced. This month’s newsletter reports on efforts of brethren from Ivano-Frankivsk, Starry Lisets, Ternopil, Kyiv, Skvyra, and Krivy Rog.

Complimenting the efforts of our Ukrainian brethren are efforts in the USA by Christians seeking to collect, load and deliver relief items to the victims of Putin’s anarchists. We continue to ship containers and in January sent one container. We have just loaded two more and in the upcoming weeks will load many more. I will continue to send updates on the container loadings.
In the midst of the chaos and conflagration in Ukraine our brethren continue to serve the Lord. The various congregations that I work with are doing exceptionally well in holding steadfastly to the Truth and offering service and support to those in need. Dennis reports that the preacher training school, relocated from Gorlovka to Ternopil, is doing well and are continuing classes and training.

Brother Ivan Skoleba sends this message: “Dear brothers and sisters, thank you for your prayers and support. We love you very much. Special thanks to women for letters of support that you sent us. It was very nice of you and we were touched. Our women were filled with tears of joy and thankfulness to you for your heartfelt words and for being one family in Christ with all of you.”

Continue to pray for our brethren and help us to assist them in supporting the shipments of relief items and collecting urgently needed commodities!

THANK YOU for your support of these efforts!!

To open the January newsletter please click this…15 01 January Monthly Newsletter