Anarchy (Pt. 1): The Character and Cunning of the Destructionist

This is the first article discussing the topic of “anarchy.” The world is in chaotic confusion today because anarchy dominates the decision-makers. But not only is anarchy evident in the world it also controls religious, social, moral, and personal choices. This is a sobering reality but many seem oblivious to it! The two parts of this discussion focus upon two epistles and their message to modern man —2 Thessalonians and 2 John.

“The term “destructionist” is rarely used in the common language. Yet it identifies the focus of this study. By definition it refers to “one who delights in destroying that which is valuable, or whose principles and influence tend to destroy existing institutions; an advocate of the destruction of an existing political institution or the like.” Thus, the focus is upon a person who is determined to “deconstruct” the existing framework that sets boundaries for acceptable and unacceptable behavior and beliefs.

“The world has always been tempted by the cunning Destructionist attempting to “change” or rethink” or “redefine” issues. Their objective is to “deconstruct” the old and “reconstruct” the new. They display an arrogant anarchy…

“The problem with anarchy is that it never works. It never satisfies. It never brings happiness. It always brings ruin…

“The greatest tragedy that can befall God’s Church and drive it into total anarchy occurs when the Laws of God are mocked and Christians are told they can, with impunity, disobey a commanded practice or modify a faith principle which they do not like.

“A contemporary illustration of the delusion of anarchy is seen in the words of some Elderships who confess “We have done what WE thought best for this congregation to grow.” But notice that their governing principle is not the Scripture’s Rule of Law (The Bible) BUT it was “what we think is best to make this congregation grow.” No other phrase frighteningly summarizes the disdain for the absolute spiritual Rule of Law…”

For the entire article: “Anarchy (Pt. 1): The Character and Cunning of the Destructionist” please click this link for the PDF.
Anarchy (Pt. 1) – The Character and Cunning of the Destructionist