Here is an update on the Nepal earthquake sent by Bob & Jan Towell…

Nepal Earthquake

Dear Brethren and Friends…

I hope you are closely watching Nepal’News of damage caused by devastating killer earthquakes affecting 30 plus districts in Nepal. Since, first EQ magnitude of 7.9 rector Scale on Saturday the April 25, we have reports of 72 small and big aftershocks so far.

Here in East Nepal EQ started showing its cruel intension. We have reports of four death and several causalities in Jhapa. Buildings are collapsed and there are exceeding fears and ciaos in the lives. Hear we had 3 aftershocks yesterday only – first @ 5.9 at 12.56 Noon, another 5.4 at 10.55 pm and another of low intensity at 6 am this morning but detail result is still awaited. People including my family stayed outside of home until late night. People are having rheumatism, fever and vomiting. Devi is feeling not well but all in the family and Church are doing okay. I am keeping close in touch with our Church leaders in India and Nepal trying to get update and needs. All of them have requested for prayers.

Here we are continuously praying for our people that are badly affected and those have lost their dear ones and relief work may be carried wisely.

The death toll so far in the Country is 3300 and 7000 and above are injured and worse affected. There are so many yet missing. The 300 Nepalese who went to pick up yashagumba (medicinal herb) are reported to be lost in the mountain in Ghorka District. 17 western tourists that were climbing on Mt. Manashalu are lost search is on. Yesterday 18 dead bodies of Everest climber were reported to be recovered and today it is again reported that there are 20 plus missing including Indian in the Everest base camp.

In Cuppon(KTM)one of the denominational Church was meeting for worship when EQ. came and their building was collapsed and all who were worshipping were buried. So far 18 dead bodies are reported to be recovered. The relief work is on there too. There was another Church been badly affected likewise in Katmandu. We have recent prediction in media … of having another high intensity EQ with its epicenter most probably in Illam in the East.

The Government of Nepal has l appealed for blood donation since causality is growing higher. There was rain whole night in KTM that has increased difficulties and hindering relief work. The dead bodies in KTM are started to cremate in Pashupati Aryaghat yesterday. They said dead bodies started smelling and they lack fire wood and place for cremation.

The relief work is on full swing taken initiative by India, China, Pakistan and Western Nations. The relief workers are continuously digging both dead and alive. There are so many areas that are yet unreached by relief workers and there is possibility of both dead and alive trapped inside collapsed building in KTM and elsewhere. Now there are desperate needs of medicines, water supply, food and tent. The roads are badly affected in the nation and supplies are blocked. Life in KTM is getting difficult and difficult. This morning Bro. Parsuram called me and said that they are still out in the field and they hesitate to enter their house even for food. So there is increasing lack of food and water in KTM. He requested our prayers for his family and for Christian communities.

Friends … peoples have started going back to their own district by now. We saw hundreds of people started coming back to East Nepal since EQ. Likewise others … to their respective districts. Expert said…that if relief work is carried rapidly … it will take 10 years to build today’s infrastructures and life on normal tracts. Yet it will leave unforgettable memories.

The Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendhra Moodi has done Excellent and commendable job by sending his relief workers (1000 NDRF personnel), doctors, experts, Engineers, tons of medicines, aircraft and equipments since without delay. Mr. PM promised to give all possible help for Nepal. The Indian Aircraft are also rescuing and evacuating thousands of Indian peoples that were trapped in KTM due to recent EQ. They have also decided to provide easy axis visa and air craft facilities to foreigners/tourist that is willing to escape to India. Indian Press media have sent dozens of reporters that are working all over affected districts in Nepal. The food and relief materials are also reaching to respective areas by aircrafts. Baba Ram Dev (renounced Indian Yog Guru) has laid relief camps and accommodating shelters and foods for thousands of Nepalese people in KTM. Great job … we salute those all who are suffering with suffering people … irrespective of religion, caste, color, language and nationality.

Indian PM Moodi also expressed deep condolence for those who buried alive. Likewise many other World leaders started express their condolences for those all who lost life and all that are affected expressing their solidarity with people of Nepal.

Now coming to the brotherhood – we have reports of some houses been damaged in Makwanpur, Chitwan, Tanahu, Rashua and Dhading. This morning I called on Brother Udhay and Jeet in Shillingay and he says there is no causality but several houses in Shillingay and Bhalumara are collapsed … mostly in Shillingay. Mencha said his house was affected and few houses in Khatithok and Ghatlang are also reported to be collapsed. I have been trying to call Bro. Sircha but his mobile is reported to be off. The roads, telephones and electricity poles are damaged. There is a suspicion of heavy destruction in the villages in Rashaua, Dhading, Gorkha, Kabray and worse affected in Sindhupachok. So Bro. Sircha and other brothers in those areas are yet unreached.

Please pray for us…