Today dawned with a beautiful sunshine and very nice spring weather. We assembled together and had the largest assembly I have ever seen in Ivano-Frankivsk! The congregation has OUTGROWN their assembly room! All seats were taken and standing room was left!
The spirit and fellowship of these brethren is phenomenal! In spite of so many devilish oppositions and discouragements they have remained strong in faith and devoted in their service to our Lord.
Ivan continues doing an exceptional job in laboring with the congregation and nurturing maturity. The dedication and focused mission that I see here is parallel to that described in Nehemiah 6 where dedication and persistence and commitment to God overcame all kinds of devilish opposition. It is joy to be with these brethren!

After the worship assembly I went to the town of Kolomaya (site of the infamous 3 day wedding about which I wrote several years ago).
Ivan has distributed a number of personal hygiene items and clothing/shoes in this town to assist with orphans. He has also distributed a large quantity of medical supplies.
He has assisted a lady in this town that has been working with abused and abandoned children. With the influx of displaced people from Donetsk and Lugansk the number of children has dramatically risen. Today there was to be a recreational event scheduled for the children with food and then toys were given away that had been shipped in our container.
Tomorrow will be another day spent in follow up site visits to distribution points and then we will have our evening Bible study beginning with Colossians 2.
Please continue praying for our efforts!
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
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