There are NINE truckloads of pristine school furnishings available in Las Cruces, NM. These are offered FREE but transportation must be provided. A great opportunity for mission points!
There are NINE truckloads of pristine school furnishings available in Las Cruces, NM. These are offered FREE but transportation must be provided. A great opportunity for mission points!

Here is an opportunity to assist mission points in making an impact in their communities. This furniture is available FREE but you need to provide transportation from Las Cruces, NM to your location (or ship directly to your overseas locations). Below is the communication.

If you are interested email me ASAP!

This is offered FREE but you need to arrange transportation of these items–I can give you trusted contacts for that if you need help.

Here is what is available: Bookcases, Floor-standing, Wood; Chairs, Caster, Plastic and Fabric; Chairs, Tablet Arm, Metal; Desks, Teacher, Metal; File Cabinets, Five Drawer, Vertical, Metal; Tables, Planner, Metal
Total of pieces 1,554; Total weight 63,126 lbs


lc high removal2

Hi John:
Thank you for all your help in New Jersey! Looks like all will go well!

We got one for you out of New Mexico. This one is for 9 containers of high school items. I just spoke to Bill and the New Mexico projects have become pressing; a couple international outlets have declined as their contacts are not able to book. The items are in Las Cruses, New Mexico. Would be a straight shot to Arkansas…

Do you know of anyone that could take a truck or two? We will be loading out by full classrooms if this helps.

Please let me know. Wish we found more items like this!

Thank you John!!! Anything you can do would be so very much appreciated.

Thanks, Megan