The past few days have been filled to overflowing during the daytime and then really enjoyable Bible classes and fellowship periods after the class. I think this trip has seen the highest numbers in attendance at our evening classes.

We continue to enjoy a number of visitors to the classes. Many of these have been forced from their homes in Lugansk and Donetsk and fled to Ivano-Frankivsk for safety. All of these are young mothers with children. Many of them were recipients of commodities shipped in the containers we have sent for the Lord’s Church to help distribute to those displaced by the war. In this report I will post a few pics of those that are attending.

It is hard to believe that my time in Ivano-Frankivsk is down to two days! I will leave early Monday morning on a flight into Kyiv.

Here are two reports that I think you will appreciate. The first is from “Yuri” in Odesa. Yuri is the Consignee in Odesa that has received containers that we have sent for the IDP locations. He and I had some very good conversations about New Testament Christianity and says we need to register the Lord’s Church in Odesa! I asked Yuri to summarize my visit and work in Odesa and his summary is below. Through Yuri’s contacts with various individuals I have been invited to return and present a series of lessons on restoring New Testament Christianity. I referenced some of that in the reports sent from Odesa.
The second report below is from Dennis Sopelnik, the Director of the Bear Valley Biblical Institute of Ukraine (BVBIU). Bear Valley is doing a great job in training preachers dedicated to the Truth of God. I think you will appreciate Dennis’ comments. Usually I include Dennis’ report in the monthly newsletter but I had to send the newsletter out before his report was received.
From Yuri…”The Christian missionary trip to Odesa of two representatives of the churches of Christ from the USA, John Kachelman and Tetiana Zozulina has closed. Tetiana and John have gained many new friends thanks to the abundant work program and great number of many meetings.
“In the first day of the missionary trip, John, Tetiana and myself visited an IDP camp in the village of Mayakaya, Odesa Region where 170 displaced people and their children temporarily live. All of them try to save themselves from the war that embraces the east of Ukraine (Lugansk and Donetsk Regions).
“There was also long visit and discussion on very important spiritual matters with Odessa People’s Church headed by Bishop Peter Serdichenko (very well known in the city of Sacramento, CA and Odesa, Ukraine). Good words sounded in the Temple of worship.
“By happy chance and with help of Chief Doctor of the Odessa Regional Hospital, Yuri Ivanovich Gulchenko, another remarkable meeting happened that very day—we met with Alexander Sachkov who is large land owner and successful businessman of Odesa; the one who has built the lead settlement with a medical center on the Odesa seaside called Sovignon. Alexander Sachkov plans to build a medical center for elderly people. He showed true interest and agreed to discuss with John Kachelman possibilities of shipping medical equipment and supplies so this center could function.
“The next day of John’s stay in Odesa brought about new interests in John’s meetings and events. John and Tetiana’s trip to the IDP camp situated at Kuyalnyk coincide with a roundtable—a conference where the head of the Board of Directors of Ukrainian Professional and Health center, the Chief Doctor of Kuyalnyk, and many representatives of public organizations of disabled people took part.
“There were meetings with IDPs as well where John and Tetiana were introduced to the conditions of life for the displaced people and heard their stories where they talked about their lives and needs.
“That very evening John took part in a TV program of Odesa Regional television “Odesa at Night.” In this program he told of his work in Ukraine and the aid that is being given by Christians from churches of Christ in American. It was stated that 40 containers of relief items had been shipped to Ukraine on behalf of the churches of Christ from USA since last September to this date. All that is humanitarian aid that American Christians send to Ukraine and her people showing Lord’s love.
“The purpose of John’s visit was to make sure that this work is necessary and to see needs of displaced people and groups of people that need help and as the trip proved, to make new friends and find new helpers.
Thank you John for your missionary activities and work that is a gift (blessing) for Ukrainians. May God reward you many fold.
“On my own behalf I would like to address all who are not indifferent to problems that hit Ukraine and her people. I address such with a request to support John’s missionary work that includes collecting and shipping of humanitarian relief items into Ukraine, and support financially the work of churches of Christ in USA and Ukraine.
Yuri Lagoda, Odesa, Ukraine May 2015”

From Dennis…”Hello dear brothers, families and churches,
“I want to share with you some latest news from Ukraine in my report. We still have military actions in Eastern part of our country, right now it’s more like slow shooting over the borderline territories; nevertheless, the sounds of firearms never cease. With coming of spring, many people are worried that, after the greenery springs up, the active phase of military actions will begin. We continue helping those who are in desperate need of help. Recently our congregation has sent money to one of the preachers in Mariupol. His parents used to live in Donetsk, and unknown people robbed their apartment and took everything, including even salt. This story tells a lot; looting, starvation, unemployment and panic flourish on those unrecognized territories. We ask you to continue praying for Ukraine and our brethren who stayed on the occupied territories.
“In April, God blessed us to have a good seminar for the local church of Christ congregations. We had visitors from Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi. It was a wonderful time for worship together and edification. We try to encourage churches in the western part of our country. Unfortunately, as I have mentioned previously, traditional denominations (such as Catholic and Orthodox) have very strong roots here, and evangelizing efforts require a huge amount of time and patience. People can have Bible studies with you for hours, but they will do their routine work, attend cathedrals and participate in a non-biblical worship just because their ancestors did that. It is a great challenge to continue doing ministry for God.
“Bear Valley Bible Institute in Ukraine.
“The classes in the institute go stably according to the schedule. In April, we had both Ukrainian and American teachers at the institute. Brother John Durham taught Luke to the 1st-year group and Galatians to the 2nd-year students. We are grateful for his help and eagerness to be with us and to share his experience and knowledge. I have taught Ezekiel, Albert Bagdasaryan taught Daniel, and Vitaliy Rodichev taught Pauline Prison Epistles. We thank these brethren for their help in teaching future ministers in the church.
“This year three students will graduate, and another two will have to complete several more courses next year. We plan to have graduation ceremony on May 30 at the institute facility.
“One of our future graduates (Sergey Chubenko and his family) is invited to serve as an assistant minister at his home congregation in Smila. We try to help him and his family in this ministry.
“We have several prospective students from different parts of Ukraine for the next school year. Brethren from their home congregations contacted me and gave them good recommendations. Let us pray for them to choose wisely.
The question about the future location of the institute is still open. For the last year we have been trying to find a better solution for both our American and Ukrainian teachers. Institute’s location should be convenient for everybody, including the students. We have several good options, and I hope we will make a wise decision soon.
“We continue looking for support for the future work of the institute at the moment. Due to this work, there were more than 100 preachers trained for ministry for the past 15 years. Some of them preach, and others serve as good ministers and teachers. We do our best for the church in Ukraine to be strong and sound. All this work is being done due to your prayers and financial support. If you have an opportunity to support the institute and are willing to participate in this important work, please contact coordinators of Ukrainian program: Denton Landon – , Howell Ferguson – and Dennis Curd –,
“We are grateful for your help and prayers. BVBIU students and teachers send you their greetings.
Your brother and coworker for the Lord’s cause, Dennis Sopelnik”

Please continue praying for us!
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
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