Report #15—May 28, 2015

My time in Zhitomir Oblast has been really good—outstanding! The distribution sites are really managed with smoothness. Respect and kindness are the prominent features. After visiting and observing one distribution site, Yuri came up to me a sighed. He said “I am so happy that there was no problems today when you are here. Last week one man got upset because he cannot come every day and get food and clothes. He same situation was seen with a woman. They shouted at us.” Considering the numbers of those in need and the plain fact that in those numbers are going to be those undeserving and who are motivated by evil (every benevolent efforts has to face this situation regardless in what country you live!).

During my visit I have had opportunity to discuss a number of issues that came because of our efforts. Today we were at the central distribution site located at the Hotel Zhitomir. One of the major workers (Tetiana) came over to me and said, “Is it possible to ask a question? Which part of the Bible do you obey? You know there are two parts—the Old and the New. Which one do you obey or do you obey both? Do you believe in both?” I do not recall ever hearing this question in my visits to Ukraine. But it is a critical issue. The fact that Tetiana asked the questions shows she has been in a good study.

We discussed the questions and I observed that we believe both Testaments are inspired and so should be studied. To this point Tetiana replied, “Yes but do you not see contradictions between the two? If there are contradictions how can one try to follow and obey for both be obeyed?”

Tetiana attends a religious group that is fiercely independent. On this trip I have had a number of opportunities to meet and discuss various topics with them. Our Lord cautioned, “Take heed HOW you hear.” In visiting with this group I am once again reminded of how linguistic and cultural barriers hinder full communication. When I asked what affiliation they were I was told “Pentecost” BUT I HEARD “PENTECOSTAL.” And I have been operating under that false hearing. Only when we began discussions about various biblical doctrines did I scratch my head and wonder what kind of “Penetcostal” group this was because they hold some positions very different from those I know in America. So I made that statement. The reply, “NO! We are not a part of any religious dictatorship! We are Pentecost! We are Church that began then. We do what we can to imitate everything about Pentecost Church.” I had failed (again) to take care of HOW I hear!

It was really a wonderful realization and opened up interesting communications. One congregation in Odessa is about 1,500 members. There are strong congregations throughout Zhytomer Oblast, in Ivano-Frankivsk and other locations. I have leaned this group was a strong anti-denominational, Bible (NT) governed group that was associated by their like-faith and practice but other than that were strictly autonomous. They were very strong throughout Russia in the early 1900’s but with the religious oppression that began in the 1930’s they went underground. Many were imprisoned and died incarcerated. With the “freedom of conscience” law in Ukraine’s constitution after the USSR dissolved, this group has surfaced.

NOTE: These are fiercely independent groups and fully autonomous. This makes me look at some churches/congregations today who boast of autonomy and claims that allows them to do anything they wish even if it flagrantly violates the Scriptures. They arrogantly wave aside any expressed concern over their belief and practice saying “Oh well we are autonomous and you HAVE to accept us because you cannot tell us what to do.” These have grossly misapplied biblical autonomy and have become absolute anarchists in spiritual matters! They thus seek to misuse autonomy as a means of extortion from others so that validation of their damnable errors will be given.

In matters of salvation this group teaches that it is a choice that one makes after hearing the gospel and after repentance ad immersion. In matters of morality there is no compromise and see Christians being the light of the world in regard to marital purity, loving parenting, and absolutes in conduct. Nicholi has told me that he has told his friends that if they even set a bottle of alcoholic beverage on the table he will not sit with them. He told a mayor with whom we visited that he needed to stop smoking because his body was the Temple of the Holy Spirit and if anyone harms or does not take care of their body they will be damned no matter how much they do religious acts. He told the Mayor that a year ago and on our visit the Mayor confirmed that hhad stopped after Nicholi told him that and they prayed about it.

In other conversations these last few days the discussion of congregational autonomy arose again. I initiated it because it is hard to find many strong churches that maintain biblical autonomy. “Why should one congregation surrender its freedom to a dictatorship structure?” This was asked as we discussed a hierarchy within a church structure. The observation was stated that each congregation should be willing to look to the Scriptures to find answers for their problems. If the congregation cannot find resolution then it was suggested that some Christian brothers from another congregation be invited to help resolve the questions. But it was emphatically pointed out that any comments from outside the congregation should not be accepted as law but only suggestions and the final decision is up to the congregation.

The conversations about New Testament Christianity have been enjoyable and the agreement with so many out in the country has been validating for our study. To be sure there are many more topics to discuss aand reason the biblical texts. I have been invited by a number of these to come and discuss the subjects with them once again.

Tetiana remarked that their congregation has a regular Bible study on the New Testament so they will know exactly what the Church at Pentecost taught and practiced. It is refreshing to hear answers given as the one speaking turns to the Bible and points out a verse without saying “I think it means this…”

These folks in the countryside of the Zhitomir Oblast are not ashamed to be book-chapter-and-verse in their Bible answers. And they do not hesitate to be willing to give an answer for their beliefs and you can be sure they will back up that answer with a Bible text!


While in Zhytomer I received a note saying that Bekah was on her way to the hospital and soon afterwards our GRAND baby #7 was born! Both momma and baby girl and big brother Hudson and daddy are doing well!
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This will be the last report of this trip. After Zhitomir I go back to Kyiv for a series of meetings and will then return to the USA on Saturday! Please continue praying for the impact of this trip!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Zhitomer, Ukraine

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