“A busy and delightful day” in Ivano-Frankivsk

MariaHi John!

Today’s been a busy and delightful day as Maria (Masha), Volodya’s girlfriend, was baptized. Mike Lawson was the one to do the baptism. He and his group of ten arrived two days ago and were all present at worship.

DSCF0882Mike preached an introductory sermon on family, then there was another sermon, which spoke about the very beginning of the creation and how God created woman to be Adam’s helpmeet. Olya interpreted both sermons and did a very good job as always. Then Ivan announced that Masha had made her mind to enter covenant with God and everybody was invited to witness.

The swimming pool was reserved for 2:30 p.m. but we arrived about one hour too soon so everybody went to Legend to have tea/coffee and some light snacks as there were many of us and cooks would not have been able to cook substantial meal for everybody.

We did order several plates of dumplings (cabbage, potato and cottage cheese) for everybody to snack on. Some that were not going to the immersion ordered meals.

We went to the immersion and it was a wonderful event.

Masha was a little nervous and scared of water so Mike had to immerse her three times and then she was OK. Unfortunately, I did not take pics while Masha was in water as I translated. But I think someone did. Maybe someone did for Mike (I started writing, “Maybe Mike did”, but then realized that he could not have done that as he was in water by Masha’s side).

Anyway, Masha did great and you could see that was a remarkable day in her life that made her feel special and responsible.

DSCF0880Volodya was so proud as well as Maria, his mother.

I am attaching a few pics of Masha and some others taken at and after the baptism. Everybody looks so sweet and happy. I have attached a pic of Masha right after she came out of water with Mike and Volodya at her side. The quality is not very good but it shows how emotional it was for Masha.

I am sending pics in two groups.

After the baptism Mike said a prayer and we went back to the restaurant while Americans were taken home by their hosting families. Ivan and others were still there waiting for the rest (some did not go because there were too many of us). And…we ate again… Then it started raining and it showered for awhile so we could not go anywhere. So we stayed a little longer… and ate a little more… I ended up eating my lunch and supper there!

It was a wonderful time of fellowship and quality time with our spiritual family. I think we left after 6:00 p.m. Volodya took some in his car and the rest hired a van.

DSCF0884It has been a great and uplifting day.

Everybody is sending love and greetings. I hope all of you have had a great day as well!

Love and hugs to all,
