Newsletter (May 2015)

Please click the link and find a PDF of the UKRAINE MISSIONS MAY 2015 newsletter. This newsletter reports on my recent trip.

The Lord’s Church in Ivano-Frankivsk is doing well and is growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ! It was a pleasure to be with them.

Their numerical growth has been so encouraging—they are at the point of standing room only during their worship assemblies.

Their evangelistic fervor is really encouraging—they have had a number immersed and are always vigilant in looking for those eager to learn God’s Truth.

Their steadfastness is encouraging—they have been tested by the fires of evil’s jealousy, slander, physical beatings and threatenings. Now they face the possibility of losing the plot of land given to them to build a proper meetinghouse.

I hope you will be encouraged by the steadfast dedication of our brethren as you read their reports!
Among the reports are these two snippets…

“We give clothes and food to refugees and help hospitals. Because of these labors Church is well known in this Region. Some people come to Bible classes and ask for individual studies as they have many questions and are afraid lest their relatives should be angry with them. They say they ask Priests but Priests refuse them saying they do not need to know such answers. Wife of an Orthodox priest now comes to Church. Now her husband calls her a protestant and heretic because she attends our Bible classes. John met and talked with her and you can ask him about her situation. The Orthodox religions and fanatics cause us a lot of troubles. They even threaten me and other Christians from our congregation. They are afraid that people would stop attending their churches and come to church of Christ.”

“First of all, I would like to thank you for containers with humanitarian aid and especially those that give funds to support refugees and those that need help. Thanks to this support we are able to help and take care of about 20 refugees with their families and children on a regular basis. They are very touched and open to us for such help since we do it at with stability. They tell us that the majority of those that help do it only once and it is only at Church that they find sincere concern and stability. Thus, we distributed clothes that you sent us, food that we bought several times and at some cases when there was a dire need we even gave money. Taking such care of people while preaching the Gospel to them has already brought forth fruit and Church in Ivano-Frankivsk continues growing.”

Thank you for your support and encouragement!

NOTE: I am scheduling speaking/reporting trips. Please let me know when a convenient time will be for me to visit with you and “gather the Church together and rehearse all things that God had done with them, and that he had opened a door of faith” (Acts 14:27). I will be in Portland, TN on June 21!


Click here to open the PDF newsletter
15 05 May Monthly Newsletter