Dear brethren,
Attached is a brief summary of encouraging news of the gospel’s power to save souls! These are reports from three of the locations in which we work. I am encouraged by the steadfastness of our brethren in Ukraine as they are laboring in the midst of some horrific conditions caused by Russia’s invasion and occupation and the continuing war.
I am encouraged by our brother Ivan Skoleba’s comments,
“All of these opportunities contribute to our credibility with the Western Ukrainian community where Catholicism is a domineering religion…Many have learned about us within these years and they have seen the difference between the dead Catholic Church and the living church of Christ. After all the trials that we have gone through, our brethren who still attend, present a consolidated and strong core of faithful Christians…Our congregation is growing and as we look into future we want to make sure that our children and grandchildren know what church of Christ is. Our strength is in the truth of the Lord…”
Thank you for your prayers and support to these brethren. Thank you for rising up and assisting them to work for the Lord in their current situation.
Click here for the PDF report on this encouraging news!
15 06 Fruits of the Gospel in Ukraine