Report #5—October 8, 2015

Our trip continues to go well. I have been busy in a number of visits and meetings. There are more and more that have heard of our efforts and are eager to have us assist them. It is encouraging to hear people express their appreciation for what the Lord’s Church has done to assist so many. Hearing these expressions of gratitude and recognizing the amazing scope of these efforts reminds me of the attitude complimented by Nehemiah (4:6), “So we built the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto half the height thereof: for the people had a mind to work.”

Thank you to all who have joined us in these efforts!

Natasha and Eva at the Tuesday night Bible study
Natasha and Eva at the Tuesday night Bible study

The evening Bible classes continue to go well. The attendance has remained high as 22+ gather for our classes. A stomach virus is making its rounds and several have been struck and that has caused some to be absent.

The evening Bible studies are attended by the largest numbers ever! The topic being studied is "How we make God into our own image."
The evening Bible studies are attended by the largest numbers ever! The topic being studied is “How we make God into our own image.”

John Durham and I are working with the men of the congregation to help them construct a format for a monthly congregational expense report that can be sent to those supporting the work but also to help the congregation gain a better vision of their work. The men are also meeting and discussing the body of a letter that can be sent to those who can assist with donating for the construction. When they get this letter finalized I will post it here for you to read and to pass along to others you know who can assist in this good work.

Pray for our efforts!
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

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