February 2016 Newsletter

The February 2016 edition of UKRAINE MISSIONS newsletter is available for reading!

In the above photo some of the children in Kramatorsk, Ukraine send you greetings by showing you their papers from the Bible Class lesson that day!

“First of all we do appreciate your thoughts and prayers for our behalf. Please continue to pray for us and for our country, for people to believe in God and develop their spiritual skills so our country can live and prosper and be a better future for our children.” (Vladimir Pazy)

Once again the reports from brethren scattered throughout Ukraine are encouraging. In the report sent by sister Svetlana Skoleba these words are found:
February is over and winter is over. We have already written that two souls made covenant with God by immersion in February. It is very valuable to us because there is more responsibility when a husband and wife come to God. We pray for them and do our best in order for Lyosha and Julia to use their talents for the sake of the Church as they grow in the Lord. Lyosha is in car repairs and he is willing to use this talent of his to help in Church. Their nine-year old daughter Nastya reads children’s Bible with her Mom and always asks questions in classes and gives correct answers. Even though she and her parents came to know God just about six months ago she gives an impression of a smart and thinking girl.
Despite a very complicated situation that this country is facing now, members of the congregation are very active in attending classes and worship services. We also have three guests from Africa that study at the Ivano-Frankivsk Medical University that also attend regularly, thanks to our sister Tatiana Zozulina who interprets all classes and sermons for our English speaking guests.
I am preparing to leave for Ukraine at the end of March. Be sure to check the web site for reports and updates while I am on this trip.

THANK YOU for your support, prayers and encouragement. Please continue praying for Ukraine and all efforts to help comfort those who are suffering because of Russia’s evil invasion and occupation. In the midst of this horrible period the Lord’s Church is finding successes in its efforts to show the love of the Lord!

Click this link to open the February 2016 Newsletter:
16 02 February Monthly Newsletter