I arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk after a very long day of travel and actions yesterday. Some of the brethren have called asking what time the classes tonight are to begin. I will be teaching two classes while here. The first class is for the in-depth Bible School that Ivan has been teaching ever since the congregation began. Those attending this class are interested in in-depth serious study of the Scriptures. I will be teaching Types and anti-types of the Bible at this class. The second class will look at the first ten chapters of Proverbs.
Yesterday I left Odesa very early and went to Kyiv where the day was spent in various meetings and actions. One of the meetings was with an organization called “Lugansk Zemliatstvo.” They are now based in Kyiv but are from the Lugansk Oblast. Lugansk Oblast is one of the eastern regions partially occupied by the Russian backed separatist. When the Russians invaded and occupied they seized the major infrastructures. Consequently the major hospitals are unavailable and many if available have been destroyed. Lugansk Zemliatstvo is actively working to help establish civil facilities in the free part of Lugansk and work with various groups displaced and wounded by the war. They have heard how we have assisted a number of medical facilities and are asking us to help them. “We have nothing left. We really needed everything that you find in a hospital—from desks, chairs, surgery items, x-ray. We need everything.”
During my trip here the guys that volunteer at the Judsonia warehouse (officially named Life Resources International”) have been collecting more items that will be sorted, boxed and prepared for shipping.
In Kyiv I met with the Prosecutor General of Kyiv. He had contacted me on my previous visit and discussed a number of things in which he was working and asked my partnership. I had told him that my son worked for the prosecutor’s office in Montgomery, AL when he first graduated from Law School and now was with the Alabama Attorney General’s office. So he (Vadym) had a special gift. He said that this was for my son who was a prosecutor and it was a clock that had hung in the office of Kyiv’s Prosecutor.
The center phrase is translated: “Prosecutor’s Office Kyiv: Loyalty, Honor, Dignity.”
I received word that the most recent book has been published and it available! It is being offered on AMAZON but you can log on to our web site and place an order for the book there. A copy will be included in reports sent to our supporters. We are very thankful for their support and prayers!
Here is the link if you are interested in ordering the book: http://www.amazon.com/Making-God-Image-John-Kachelman/dp/0692680829/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1459393608&sr=8-1&keywords=john+kachelman+god+in+our+image
And speaking of encouragement…
I received this wonderful encouragement from my dear brother Don England. Don and Lynn are greatly loved and respected beyond. Don teaches the Sunday morning Bible class that I attend at the College congregation. The class is also very supportive of my mission efforts and being in class with them is a wonderful blessing!
After a long tiring day yesterday I arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk I received this note from Don: “Thank you John. I know that everyone in the class is as interested in your report and well being as Lynn and I are. Your experiences are very touching and helps each of us understand how wonderfully fortunate and blessed we are. It also helps us to understand how important it is for us to do what we can to help the people there. We are praying for your safety and for the good Christian people of the Ukraine. Satan is so real but He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. Thank you again and may God bless in every way. Don”
Pray for our efforts as we continue this trip!
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
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