Report #6—April 10, 2016

NOTE: The above photo does not capture the entire group as there are some on either sides that could not fit into the photo! The Lord’s Church is GROWING!!!!!

Saturday was a day catching up on errands other than official visits and site inspections. Saturday Ivan needed to go to the market and I went with him. We were going to get a number of items but one of the priorities was fresh meat. The meat markets are always interesting to observe. All meat is cut in front of you and there are old wagon carts of meat that are pushed around as the buyer visits different sellers. We had been directed to a booth that is known for selling the freshest meat. As the selection was made the woman took a quarter of a side and flopped it down in front of us so we would tell her how much we wanted. As we were talking to her there was a steady stream of customers that paraded by an would pick up a piece of meat, turn it over, sniff it, and then go on to the next counter. In the midst of hundreds there I only saw one person wearing the hygiene gloves of food workers (and I’m not sure how old they were). Meat would be placed on a cutting board, sliced and removed and another piece would be placed on the same surface. Pork was in one section of the room, chicken in another, rabbit in another, beef in another and fish in another. There were also sections for cheeses (and it smelled like the soured milk in cheese factory in Florence, AL that I recall). Along the corridors there were women selling freshly made cottage cheese and sour cream—as you walk along they will give you a sample to taste.

As Ivan made the choice for his meat the woman took it over to a chopping block to cut it. She picked up an old broad-ax that reminded me if the axes that the executioners wield as they carry out the capitol execution. The piece was laid on a surface that has seen tons of fresh meat chopped. One stroke and the requested piece was ready for dressing. She brought it back to her counter and began cutting off the fat. Then she put it into one bag and then that bag into another bag and the purchase was made.

Sure wish Mack Townsend was with me as he would love going to the meat market and comparing it with the butcher shop in the Townsend Grocery in Dixon, KY!

The trips to the markets are always interesting. The meat market is probably my favorite visit. Going to the fish market is another story!

The Church in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine  gathers for Bible study and worship
The Church in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine gathers for Bible study and worship

The Lord’s Day dawned cloudy but later on the sun came out and temps were moderate. Folks start coming much earlier than the 11:00 a.m. beginning time. By the time most had come in it was time to begin. Ivan started by welcoming everyone and explaining to the visitors what will go on in the assembly and why the actions are conducted as they are.

Ivan welcomes all who have assembled to worship God Sunday 10 April 2016
Ivan welcomes all who have assembled to worship God Sunday 10 April 2016

We had a number of visitors in the worship assembly. A group of five medical students from Ghana were present. In the last trip I reported on our brother Emmanuel who is a Christian and is a current student at the Ivano-Frankivsk Medical School. He is constantly urging his fellow students to come and join him in Bible study and worship. Today he brought four friends with him. They speak English so Tanya translates for them.

Medical students at Ivano-Frankivsk Medical University from Ghana visit the services. Emmaneul far left actively urges his fellow students to come and study and worship.
Medical students at Ivano-Frankivsk Medical University from Ghana visit the services. Emmaneul far left actively urges his fellow students to come and study and worship.

In addition to the from the Medical University we had Yaraslav & Luba who have been regular in attendance since the Family Retreat last October. And Olga had returned to visit (she is in the Administration of the Police Hospital).

Eva, John, Sophia
Eva, John, Sophia

Altogether there were 40 that assembled! I asked Tanya if there were any, other than the visitors, that showed up today that are not usually present. She said no and there were at least three of the regulars missing today. So by facts of the attendance we see the congregation grow (the numbers usually reported in the monthly reports number only the adults and no children—I count the children as well as adults!).

Eva and Natasha. Natasha teaches the children's class. She is displaced from Donetsk City.
Eva and Natasha. Natasha teaches the children’s class. She is displaced from Donetsk City.

The children’s class is taught by Natasha and it is a single class for ages 2 years-12 years!

Natasha, Eva, Sonya
Natasha, Eva, Sonya

Childrens Class (2)

After the assembly we shared a congregational meal together. It started with the dumplings (vareniks) and then each was able to have whatever they chose. It was a wonderful meal and the fellowship was even better.

Fellowship meal shared by the Church after worshiping together
Fellowship meal shared by the Church after worshiping together

This is a plate of meat dumplings!
This is a plate of meat dumplings!


Tomorrow is already scheduled full and today several more appointments were added. We are to begin at 9:00 but there will be some present much earlier!

Our Bible classes continue tomorrow night. Our first session will be at 5:00 p.m. and then the second session follows and begins at 6:00 p.m.

Alexi & Diayana. Alexi and his wife Julia were just immersed!
Alexi & Diayana. Alexi and his wife Julia were just immersed!

Pray for our efforts as we continue this trip!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

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