Attached is the April newsletter for UKRAINE MISSIONS. This contains a number of reports from your brethren in Ukraine. During April I was visiting our brethren and conducting on-site visits of locations that we assist.
Our brethren in Ukraine continue to struggle with the evils of Russia’s invasion and occupation. Casualties (both military and civilian) continue to occur. Our brethren are doing what they can to assist those displaced and wounded and traumatized by the war.
In spite of the great struggles in Ukraine (economically, politically, and militarily) the Lord’s Church is doing very good. Here is a brief excerpt from brother Ivan Skoleba’s monthly report:
“Our visitors thanked us and said it felt like one big loving family where everybody cares for one another. We have five Medical School students that came to Ukraine from Ghana. They fit in well and are very active…
“The whole congregation prayed for the war to stop. We sent clothes, medical consumables and bandages to the military for wounded and displaced. We also met with the First Deputy Governor of the Region who asked us to help a military hospital. We gave hospital beds and three dental chairs to the hospital. They were very thankful.
“We tilled and planted church garden – 1,000.00 sq. meters. We planted some of the seeds that you sent us. We ask God to bless us with good crops. We continue praying for the construction of the church building.”
Please read the newsletter and pray for those who sent word of their efforts. Their labors for the Lord are a great encouragement to me and I am certain they encourage you as well!
THANK YOU for your financial support in the Lord’s work. Without your support I would be unable to report on the marvelous successes about which you read!
To download the APRIL 2016 Newsletter click here:
16 04 April Monthly Newsletter