Planted Seeds Continue to be Nourished and Grow!!

The Gospel’s seeds bear fruit as two are immersed!

I received this wonderful email message…

HI John! Here are pics of the two immersed today. It was so wonderful to see Yaroslav and Luba being baptized together on the same day. We were worried about Yaroslav getting into the pool. But everything worked well and he did great climbing those treacherous steps.

Mike said a few words at the beginning and he did the baptizing as you can see from pics. Luba was the first one and then Yaroslav. You could see how serious and resolved they were. The mere fact that Yaroslav had had a heart attack the night before and didn’t change his mind is self-evident. You could see their joy and relief afterwards. Yaroslav had his blood pressure checked and it was fine as well as his heart rate. So God worked out everything and Satan’s plan fell through. I’m so proud of both Yaroslav and Luba!

We had a quick supper afterwards in a restaurant by the pool and then went to the class.

What a wonderful day!!!!

Love to all,

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06 16 Immersions The planted seeds continue to be nourished and grow