Sixteenth Container sent!


On July 12, 2016 we loaded the 16th container of 2016. Here is a newspaper report on the action.

This container is eventually going to be distributed in and around Gorlovka, Ukraine. Because of the Russian invasion and occupation we have to ship it into Kherson Oblast and then the Consignee will make sure various items are distributed in the most critical places.

The supplies that we shipped today are of critical significance to Ukraine. Helping frame just how important these shipments are is the communication from brother Andrew who used to preach in Gorlovka but is now among those displaced. One Sunday he was preaching and Russian troops stormed into the meeting house and gave the Church two hours to get their things out or be shot. Andrew is now living near Kyiv but returns as often as possible to Gorlovka. Read his comments (his full communication will be in the June newsletter of UKRAINE MISSIONS.

“The pressure and nervous tension one can experience while being on the territory occupied by the pro-Russian armed soldiers is very bad…On the territory controlled by DPR (the so-called ‘Donetsk People’s Republic’) there is only the pain of the sufferings they are experiencing now because of the war on their territory and pray this extremely difficult period of their lives will one day be over…The situation in Gorlovka remains very tense. The first two nights of my stay there the city was under artillery attacks. The school and buildings located in the downtown area suffered the most. The outskirts of the city are under such attacks almost every day. Entire districts in the city became unsuitable for living. After some quiet time the shootings resumed…During the daylight there are more people in the streets now. But despite this the city is very silent – no loud speaking, laughter or music is heard anywhere. People are seized by fear of the armed people, of punishment or execution that can follow for a trifle reason, and sometimes even for no reason at all. As one of the sisters pointed out after visiting one of the cities on the Ukrainian territory, ‘the people in that city live as before, while we are here as in prison.’”

In the regions near the occupied cities of Donetsk, Lugansk and the Crimea peninsular the healthcare facilities are in terrible condition. Most were looted when Russia invaded and when the army of Ukraine freed some of the Russian held districts, the Russians destroyed everything as they retreated.

The focus of the load today was to send as much medical items for hospitals and clinics as possible. We loaded hospital beds and mattresses; bed linens; surgical instruments; procedure chairs; exam tables; exam & surgical gloves; orthopedic treatment supplies; and various furnishings for the hospitals.

Today’s Totals—July 12, 2016
Total pieces loaded today: 823
Total weight loaded today: 25,056 pounds
Total value of items shipped today: $178,795.00

The 2016 Year-to-Date Totals
We have shipped: 16 High Cube containers (40 ft long x 9.5 feet high x 8 feet wide)
The total YTD weight of relief items shipped: 358,851 pounds
The total YTD value of what the Lord’s People has sent is: $2,660,151.00
The cost to us YTD to ship these 16 containers: $47,185.00

To read the newspaper report please click here to download the PDF:16 07 12 Sixteenth container shipped