July 2016 Newsletter

The above photo was taken at the Amerikraine family camp that has been hosted in Kramatosk in the early years but has been moved to Dnepropetrovsk in recent years because of the Russian invasion and occupation of portions of eastern Ukraine. At this year’s camp there were seven immersed.

The July 2016 newsletter of UKRAINE MISSIONS is attached for you to read. This month’s report is filled with encouraging words from our brethren in Ivano-Frankivsk, Starry Lysets, Kyrvy Rig, Kramatorsk, Kyiv, Bila Tservka, and Gorlovka.

Among the reports are these two excerpts:

From Volodymyr Didukh: “I am sending you greetings from Ivano-Frankivsk Region on behalf of church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk and on behalf of my family – my mom and dad. We pray to our Creator and thank Him for unity we have with you and all Christians in Christ Jesus. Another whole month of our lives has flown by just like one week and I would like to share some news and events with you that have taken place this month as well as let you know about some plans for future.”

From Dennis Sopelnik: “Terrific news came from Lviv where our brothers Bogdan, Stanislav and Dmitriy and their families have established a new congregation there in the October of the last year. This part of the country is very difficult in regards to evangelism. The Catholic Church is very rooted there but God keeps working through our team of young evangelists. Yesterday they had yet another baptism. This is the third baptism since they have started.”

Thank you for your support in the mission actions discussed in this month’s newsletter! Click this link to read the PDF: 16 07 July Monthly Newsletter

John L. Kachelman, Jr.