Report #3 – September 30, 2016

(Above photo: Marina, John Durham, Sveta and Tanya await the arrival of the Hillsboro group)

The past few days have been spent struggling through jet lag and in a number of other activities. I have also had problems with the web host in getting out trip reports. IF you have not received any reports thus far please log on to the web site and read the reports you missed. Hopefully this is now corrected. But now it appears that I cannot upload any photos!!!!

In June we shipped a container load of school furnishings that had been requested by the Ivano-Frankivsk congregation. They will distribute these desks, chalk boards, white boards, file cabinets, teacher’s desks, and chairs to a number of schools in the oblast. When we loaded the container we loaded: 713 bags of clothes; 6 bookcases; 10 filing cabinets; 40 chairs; 187 desks; 21 chalkboards!

Some of these desks had been in the warehouse a long time and had rust. When these desks arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk the members of the congregation decided they needed to refinish the desks so they would look better. Several work days were schedule in which the tops were removed, rust was scraped and sanded and then the metal was repainted. The brethren arranged for new tops for the desks. They are still working on some of these desks but there were about 30 that have been finished and I was able to see the result. It was very good.

Ivano-Frankivsk members reworking rusted desks
Ivano-Frankivsk members reworking rusted desks

Here are the refinished school desks!
Here are the refinished school desks!


During the past days we have been focused on assisting David Hamrick and Howell Ferguson assess the viability of establishing an extension of the World Bible Institute ( in Ivano-Frankivsk. The brethren here have asked for such a school but the request needed to be evaluated and the situation assessed to see if it is reasonable. David and Howell have been very busy in meetings with the brethren and looking at the mechanics of an extension. They bring the experience and knowledge of such schools and are able to look with wisdom what will happen. The concern of WBI is to train gospel preachers but to make them self-supporting so they are not dependent upon US dollars. Along with the biblical training the school looks to see what vocational possibilities can be taught to prepare the preachers to go to another location and be independent because of their secular employment but an asset to the Lord’s Church. In some of the nations where they work 100% of graduates are totally self-supporting! It is exciting to listen to the success stories and think how such is a possibility. Along with the self-supporting objective for graduates there is a hesitancy to offer any kind of stipend for those attending because, as many of us have seen, such stipends given to those attending preacher training schools discourage independence and at times we have seen students who were paid to attend one preacher school graduate and then go to another preacher school where they will be paid! We continue discussing the possibility of WBI operating an extension branch in Ivano-Frankivsk. You are encouraged to go to their web site and read of the School’s positions, faculty, and other items which help highlight the desire of brethren to spread the gospel message and broaden the Kingdom’s borders.

Last night a large number gathered at the Ivano-Frankivsk airport to welcome the group from the Hillsboro church of Christ (Nashville, TN). Ron Swang was first through the doors followed by Joel and Joy Campbell (they are from Cincinnati, OH) and then Gray Jerkins. Interpreters Galina and Olya were there guiding the weary travelers (they also enjoyed a 30+ hour trip). The Hillsboro congregation is one of the supporters of the Lord’s work in Ivano-Frankivsk and their trips are always encouraging and beneficial. On this trip Joy will teach classes that are designed to help train the women in developing and presenting children’s Bible classes. Joel will be teaching the men of the congregation basic leadership qualities that will help the Church develop.

Tomorrow (Sunday 02 October 2016) is the 600th anniversary of Starry Lysets. This is a village east of Ivano-Frankivsk where Volodya Diduk works and where we have been greatly assisted in humanitarian aid efforts. Ron Swang worked in Starry Lysets and put in a dental clinic. This dental clinic served as the “anchor” for a much larger medical clinic in the village. This medical clinic is prized by Starry Lysets and has become the envied model for many villages in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. And this medical clinic has been responsible for enhancing the respect and reputation of the Lord’s Church in this region. Through our shipments we were able to transport the equipment and supplies that Ron needed to set up the working clinic.

The construction of the first phase on the property gifted to the Ivano-Frankivsk church of Christ is completed except for a few finishing touches. The congregation still needs to enclose the section of the building where the Church will be able to assemble. Above that meeting room will be two rooms—an office and another room that can be used as guest lodging or a classroom/conference room. They have yet to complete the toilet. There is also a requirement that an access driveway be made. In visiting the site earlier this week I was disappointed in that more had not been completed (but in construction when is it ever completed as soon as you wish?).

The city of Ivano-Frankivsk is planning a highway by-pass and the by-pass will place the Church’s property on the corner of the by-pass and the major highway going through the city—prime location!!! Ivan told me that when the property was gifted to the Church it had a cost of $65,000.00 but now, with the coming by-pass and the continued movement of the population in our direction, the cost would exceed $125,000.00! Thankfully the security of the property has been accomplished with the building of the first phase.

Many reading this have had a part in this construction and we are very grateful. Last month I sent out a plea for the construction fund. This plea stated a gift of $10,000.00 had been received and that given as a “Challenge” gift to encourage others to join in the giving. Thus far in response to this challenge gift we have received $7,500.00. This permits us to complete the construction but if the remaining $2,500.00 will come in we will have funds to help the brethren complete the finishing touches on the Church’s meeting place.

THANK YOU to all who have donated, prayed, and spoke encouragingly about this effort.

Pray for our efforts as we continue this trip!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

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