(Above photo: The Ivano-Frankivsk church of Christ assembly on 16 October 2016. We had a wonderful period of worship and 38 were present in spite of bad weather!)
Today’s worshiping assembly was wonderful in every way. The day was once again very cold and cloudy and a cold rain was blown by an even colder wind. The streets were clogged because of several factors. First there is construction on-going. Second, there was some kind of “explosion” under a section of the streets. Third, there was a runners’ marathon that snaked through the city that blocked all routes. Inna came in for worship and she said it took her forever because of the marathon and eventually the taxi stopped a long way from the meeting place and told her, “This is as close as I can get.”

In spite of all adversities we had a wonderful crowd of 38 to assemble (Look at the above pic and see this group but some had already left). Among those assembling were several visitors who had come with members.

Following the worship there were cookies and coffee and tea. I think the last bag of the bite size Kit-Kats that the Dalraida team brought was quickly consumed.

It seemed that everyone came up to me at the conclusion of the meeting and talked about how much the last two weeks have meant and how those from Gary’s group and Johnny’s group really blessed the congregation. It was so encouraging to hear these compliments. For the “Dalraida boys…Valentina was thankful for your visit and for doing what she said to do.”

The rest of today will be spent wrapping up final actions, calling Kyiv to schedule actions there and packing my bags!
It has been a wonderful trip and immeasurable good has been accomplished for the Lord.
Thank you for your support and prayers.
As I leave for Kyiv please continue to pray for our efforts as we conclude this trip!
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
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