Report #19—October 17, 2016

(Above photo: Members of the Ivano-Frankivsk church of Christ wake up very early and brave the very cold to see me at the Ivano-Frankivsk airport as I leave for a week’s schedule of meetings in Kyiv before returning to the USA!)

The morning began early (around 4:30) as we were meeting at the airport for departure to Kyiv. I will be spending my last week in Kyiv occupied with various meetings and following up on distribution locations.

The morning in Ivano-Frankivsk was very cold and damp from the past 4 days of rain but a hearty group got up to see me leave. In the above photo from the left: Volodya, Sveta, Ivan, me, Marina, and Andrew. Tanya was taking the photo. Check-in and boarding went without any problems.

We arrived in Kyiv and the pilot announced that it was MINUS 4C outside. According to a quick calculation that Joy Campbell taught me I calculated it was around 22F! Much colder than when we left Ivano-Frankivsk and the coldest of any temp yet on this trip.

On the way from the airport Tanya was on the phone confirming appointments, answering questions, and discussing possible appointments not yet finalized.

After being picked up and taken to the flat at 9:00 we jumped into a busy day of activity. One of the meetings that we attended was with the Director of a benevolent fund that works in Luhanks with the displaced, wounded and those who are still living there but whose homes and possessions have been blown into pieces by Russian shelling. Vadym had hoped Johnny could stay over a few days in Kyiv and meet with various committees that are working on organized gambling and trying to write legislation regarding it. But Johnny had to return to Montgomery and at this point could not be “loaned” from the Alabama’s Attorney General’s office to Kyiv. Maybe another time will permit this professional courtesy!

Another interesting development is that a man with whom we have worked many years in Konstantinovka is now in Kyiv and displaced by the war. Oleg is involved in the healthcare actions and is especially focused on the psychological traumas. He was Director of a Clinic in Konstantinovka that worked with the traumas following Chernobyl. Oleg has arranged a meeting with Ukraine’s Minister of Healthcare. We hope to have that scheduled for Thursday.

After a good evening meal of cow livers, spinach, cabbage, and blueberry varenicks I was ready for bed. But I had to resist the bed until I could get all bids for a container loading. The 8 hour difference between here and there is difficult to manage as quickly as I wish. Finally I did receive all bids. So we have a container loading in Searcy scheduled on Tuesday, 25 October at 8:00 a.m.! Come and join us! Big THANK YOU to David Lawyer, Michael Rodgers and Noah Holt for working to get the load ready!

The day is ending for me at almost 11:00 p.m. It has been a long and wearing day. BUT it has also been a very good day.

Tuesday will take me to several locations where distribution has occurred. Hopefully the temp and wind chill will be much warmer!

Continue praying as this mission trip enters its final days!

For those in the Searcy area, I will be giving a trip report to Don England’s Bible Class THIS Sunday morning. You are invited to attend!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine