Brother Howell Ferguson sent me his September/October newsletter that announced the establishment of the WORLD BIBLE INSTITUTE extension branch in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.
“From a statement in my last newsletter, I realize that I intended to give an explanation of the WBI stateside extension program in this edition. However, the events of the past two months and the information I have received from two major overseas trips has compelled me to postpone that idea until a later time. Actually I have been exposed to more information than I probably need to include in a single newsletter. But I need to at least attempt to give a summary not only to keep you up-to-date but also to help me organize some of these thoughts and experiences. This newsletter will be divided into two parts: the first part is a summary of plans to begin a new extension school in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine; and the second part is an overview from the visits of four existing extension schools on the continent of Africa; in Ghana, Togo and Uganda. Please pardon me for the length of this report…”
To continue reading Howell’s wonderful report on the progress of the gospel in Eastern Europe and Africa, please click on this link to open the PDF of the newsletter: ferguson-wbi-sept-oct-2016
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