Report #4—May 6, 2017
When Russia invaded and occupied portions of eastern Ukraine a number of services and institutions had to be removed and set up in another location. One of these was the Ukraine Medical Institute in Donetsk. It was resettled to Ivano-Frankivsk. From this catastrophic disruption has come an amazing opportunity. Within the student body studying to become medical professionals was a brother from Ghana named Emmanuel K. Nimo. He was already a licensed anesthetist in Ghana but wanted to become a medical doctor in order to open his own clinic and use that clinic to further the gospel. Emmanuel had been in Medical School one year in Donetsk when Russia invaded. He moved to Ivano-Frankivsk.
Emmanuel is a dedicated Christian wherever he resides. In Ghana he is very active and that eagerness to serve does not lessen when he comes to Ivano-Frankivsk to attend Medical School. He is always present at EVERY assembly. He is always involved.
Emmanuel has long been bringing his fellow medical students to the Church’s assembly. There seems to be 3-4 with him every time we assemble. He began thinking how he could make a stronger impact upon his fellow students with the gospel. He decided that he would offer free tutoring to those who wished to receive some special tutoring. He decided that Saturday mornings would be the best time. He spread the word and announced that free tutoring was available BUT after the tutoring everyone present must stay for a Bible lesson. The activity began with a handful but it was fruitful. More and more began attending the assemblies and expressing interest in studying the Bible.
Today I visited with the group and walked into find the room full. There were two tables full and several were standing. Emmanuel was going from table to table. He asked me to speak to the group and it was a joy to welcome them. There were about 8 African nations represented in those assembled today. I was told that there are also students from Iran and India who are usually present but there was a conflict today and they were absent. I have tried to remember the nations from which these come and could remember these, but I am sure I have missed some: Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Ghana, Angola, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leon, Iran, India and Ukraine.
Emmanuel told me that his tutoring class has grown to include 65 medical students!!! What a great story and this is something he initiated himself because he is concerned about God’s Church being spread. He is a delightful and amazing brother in the Lord and so encouraging! Ivan has taken various medical instruments, devices, etc out of shipments and Emmanuel is using these in his tutoring sessions.
Just sit back and think what Emmanuel is doing…he is teaching the gospel to many nations; he is inviting citizens of many nations to come and assemble to worship in the manner and actions that can bde replicated in any nation—that which is according to the New Testament. And he is doing it from Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine!
As the Church assembles in the morning there will be a number from Emmanuel’s class. He will follow up on the lesson they hear. He will urge them to obey the simple New Testament plan of salvation whether they live in any African nation, in Iran, in India or in Ukraine!
God designed His commands to be universal. They can be obeyed in any nation, in any language, in any setting. How sad that man has tried to “improve” God’s simplicity by adding changes to the New Testament plan. Such is the greatest insult one could possibly give to God. And that insult will not be excused!
Today we were encouraged by the progress being made in the building’s construction. We learned that the repair and furnishing of the large ward in the Ivano-Frankivsk Maternity Hospital is proceeding and soon it should be completed. There were a number of other positives that I will highlight in another day’s report.
This weekend is the celebration of Ivano-Frankivsk City Day. This is the celebration of the founding of the city. It is 355 years old!
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine