Historic First Meeting in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

In the above photo are Ivan and Svetlayna Skoleba standing outside the Ivano-Frankivsk distribution center and assembly room.

Please find attached a report just received on the Lord’s Church assembling for the first time in the meeting place that is a part of the storage facility being constructed.

As you read Tanya’s report you will note the excitement of the event. Construction will continue on the main assembly room but first they need to begin work on the access road that will legally allow the use of the property for assembling large numbers for worship and classes, receiving shipments and the traffic required for the distribution of benevolent items.

Much has been accomplished and more still lies ahead but what a wonderful event is marked in the history of the Ivano-Frankivsk church of Christ on Sunday 02 July 2017!

I have received the financial accounting for the construction costs for the first section and will make that available to you in the above as well (We had to have them translated by a professional group as terms and phrases specific to architecture and construction were used and I did not want to torture Tanya by asking her to translate. As you look over the construction costs for the first building please remember that the contractor (Andrew) donated “gift in kind” $30,000+ at the beginning when we needed to get approvals, documents, etc. for the construction to be approved by the Ivano-Frankivsk governing board. This was necessary to get the approval for the building. This donation does not show anywhere as Andrew did not want a record. When we added the warehouse we paid for these items.

Tanya concluded her final report on the Lord’s Day assembly with these words:

I cannot but give BIG thanks to all those that encouraged us, supported us, told us off at times, motivated and donated their funds, time and prayer to this work!!! THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES!!! May God bless you hundredfold and more!

Open the PDF report and read of this encouraging event: 17 04 02 Church of Christ in IvanoFrankivsk first assembly new construction