The above photo shows part of those who assembled for the first worship assembly in the newly constructed storage and distribution building.
Here is the UKRAINE MISSIONS June 2017 Newsletter!
There were many awesome events in June but we could not write of all. Perhaps the most amazing blessing was toward the end of the month when our Ivano-Frankivsk brothers and sisters cleaned up the constructed assembly room and the FIRST worshipping assembly was held! A special report is posted on the web site regarding this and if you have not read it please do so. In this report there is a brief mention and a sidebar photo of the cleanup the day before the historic assembly.

In June a number of other events took place in Ivano-Frankivsk. Brother Mike Lawson coordinated the youth camps in Stary Lysets and Ivano-Frankivsk, Bill & Luba Wharton conducted a marriage strengthening seminar, Pat McIntosh came and taught in the Bible Institute, the new church plant in Yarmanche further developed (see Andrew’s report).
An amazing amount of actions peppered the month.
Please read the attached report and rejoice in the good being accomplished. Click this link to read the newsletter: 17 06 June Monthly Newsletter
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