August 2017 Newsletter

This month’s newsletter brings encouraging reports about the Lord’s work in India, Nepal, and Ukraine. Here are three comments that I have found personally enriching:

From India/Nepal…

“On 24th of last month, I started from my place to Bidan Nagar which is in West Bengal State. I traveled around 1,500 miles. I visited surrounding places also and preached. I stayed almost one week. In the one day Bible class in Bidan Nagar many members of the congregation and non-Christians attended. We had class from 10 AM to 1 PM and 2 PM TO 4 PM. Some people responded to the word of God. Seven people obeyed the Gospel. We walked three miles for sufficient water for baptisms.”

From Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine…

“Brother Olexy (Alex), whom this world tried to pull back in upon his baptism, has been back to the assembly regularly. Please, continue praying for this family – they are fairly new converts and his wife Julia has not been back to the assembly yet giving in to Satan’s ploys. Thus they need our prayers and encouragement.”

From Bela Tservka, Ukraine…

“In the middle of last month, we had a recreational trip for our brethren. We invited everyone who wanted to join us. We were camping in tents, sleeping bags, took a lot of food and necessary products for “open nature” camping. While we were out there one of the night Vitaly whose wife is our student and who has been coming to church for a while said unexpectedly, “Here’s water. What hinders me to be baptized?” So, that night he was baptized for the remission of his sins. It was a very memorable night. Thus, the church of Christ in Bela Tserkva gained one more brother.”

This week will be busy…on Monday we load a container for Nigeria, Africa, on Thursday morning I will leave for Ukraine arriving in time for the marriage of Volodya and Julia!

My trip reports will be posted on the web site missions blog or emailed to those who have subscribed to direct reports.

Thank you for your encouragement, financial support and prayers in our efforts!

To read the August 2017 UKRAINE MISSIONS newsletter please click on this link: 17 08 August Monthly Newsletter