In the above photo (viewable if you click the link to go online) is part of a box of dental instruments that we shipped into Ivano-Frankivsk in July 2017
I believe it was last fall that I received a call from Dr David Smith saying that a dentist in southern Missouri had retired and was donating his entire office. David needed some of the instruments for his efforts in Haiti and the rest could be sent to Ivano-Frankivsk. Several of us went to Missouri to load up the office and CURE met us there and helped transport the heavier equipment. The office was a treasure trove of dental instruments (some pieces with a value of $100+).

In July these dental items were loaded into a container sent to Ivano-Frankivsk. It arrived and was divided into four groups that were two designated dentists and two locations where we plan to establish congregations.
One of the dentists receiving a portion was Dr. Valentine. He is the son of our oldest member (Yaroslav who is 90 years old). Last Sunday Valentine talked with me after worship expressing his gratitude and Natasha, the translator, echoed the gratitude saying that she had been on the patient end of the instruments shipped. Saturday Valentine brought the items he had received and once again overflowed with gratitude for the items received. He says that he works in a public clinic but they do not receive any instruments. He sees about 4,000 patients each year. With these instruments he is able to discard the old broken instruments with which he had been forced to work.

News from India…David Lawyer received an email from our brother Immadi regarding the immersions reported in last month’s newsletter. In that report Immadi had written: “On 24th of last month, I started from my place to Bidan Nagar which is in West Bengal State. I traveled around 1,500 miles. I went to Bidan Nagar where brother Ranthu Mahali preaches. We had one day Bible class on 27th. I visited surrounding places also and preached. I stayed almost one week….many members of the congregation and non-Christians attended…Some people responded to the word of God. Seven people obeyed the Gospel. We walked three miles for sufficient water for baptisms. I send few pictures of Bible class and baptisms soon. Kindly pray for the spiritual growth of new souls.” David received the photos from Immadi and I wanted to pass these along. As the song sings “The gospel is for all” and how wonderful to hear of its fruits!

We are anticipating a wonderful Lord’s Day assembly tomorrow!
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
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