In the above photo Rita Paziy and I are photographed at Volodya and Julia’s wedding in Ivano-Frankivsk.
Greetings from Kherson, Ukraine! The trip here began at 6:00 a.m. yesterday morning in Ivano-Frankivsk and ended at 11:05 p.m. in Kherson! A very long day!
In lieu of my report for this time (and because of the long travel) I am presenting Vlad Paizy’s report of the Church in Kramatorsk. We have shipped a number of containers into Kramatorsk and Vlad has been a great help in distributing and following up on these. The last container we shipped there was loaded out of Nampa, Idaho!
Remember this message from Vlad’s report…plant the seed and fruit will eventually come if it is planted in the food and honest soil!
It was wonderful to see Vlad, Oksana, Rita and Dima Paziy at Volodya and Julia’s wedding. I am looking forward to being with the Kramatorsk congregation soon.
Vlad’s report begins with these encouraging words:
“Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ. Here is the activities we had during this summer and also some spring events I did not mentioned. I would like to begin with good news, we have five people added to the church this summer. One of them is the Principal of the local school number 9 (some Americans visited this school). And even more than that, Slava Gipich, this is his name, was a students of Bible and history program at Mr. Lee Institute long time ago, during Buck Hall and Terry Harmon time. I’m sure Terry remembers him, because he was the one who liked to ask questions and have a discussions during the class. He was a student back in 2004 and only now became a Christian, it worked eventually, in 15 years. My wife, Oksana met him on the street a year ago and invited to ABC school to study English because he had said he wanted to study it. So he came and had Bible classes with me and in a year became a Christian. He has a wife and two children, they all went to summer Bible camp with us and there he decided to be immersed. He has the same desire for his wife this is what he said. His older child, Kate, comes to ABC bible school. Also, my brother Max got baptized this summer during the camp and my joy was beyond measures. Have been telling this boy about Christ for many, many years, and finally. Also one young couple (Alexander and Irina) got baptized during the camp.”
Vlad’s complete report is found at this link: Paziy summer 2017
Thank you for your prayers and concerns on this mission trip.
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Kherson, Ukraine
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