In the above photo (viewable if you click the link to go online) Alexander Dyachenko, Two members of the 55th Brigade, Zinaida (Rada Deputy) came today to bring thank you certificates and badges.
The appreciation is expressed in overwhelming ways; the eagerness to partner with us is vivid; the needs and opportunities are myriad!

The activity today continued to be steady and filled the day. Today was spent visiting a nursing home and then meeting a number of people at the office. These had received items from our shipments and wanted to say “Thank you!” We have shipped 46 containers into Zaporozhye and Alexander says that it is just impossible to see everyone so we take it little-by-little!
Our first visit was to a nursing home. There are 110 residents and 40 are invalids and unable to get out of bed. There is also a number who have special needs and have “graduated” from the orphanages and now live in this facility.

The monthly cost for each resident is 3,000+ grievnas (about $115-$120). If the residents have family then the family is to pay for the lodging, but very few are able to pay that much.

We were taken on a tour of the facility by the Director Galina. I was very impressed with the facility and the care that the staff provides. Galina said that it was her goal to help provide a place where the last years of these elderly can be lived with security and compassion.
I was shown a number of chairs that had been delivered by our containers and the Director and Staff said they could not tell us how much they appreciate these chairs.

The facility has a medical clinic and dental clinic. But there are only funds to pay for 10 dental patient treatments each year.
A special “Thank You” certificate was presented thanking us for our compassion and kindness.
After lunch I met Zinaida who is a member of the Regional government and had been asked to come and meet me. She said that a number of the doctors heard that I was to visit and they wanted to send their appreciation for the help that our containers have offered to them. Zinaida brought three special Thank You certificates from the three largest hospitals in Zaporozhye. One of these hospitals has a staff of 1,000+! Zinaida was especially told to thank us for sending the hospital beds. She said every time a patient lies down on one of the beds we shipped she is told how wonderful those beds are!

Also today I met with Ludmilla and Lena whom you have previously met when we visited the special needs orphanage. We replaced the hot water heaters and have provided crippled children’s equipment, linens, shoes and a number of others items. Their loving care for these children is wonderful. They brought me two plastic containers of liver. One was fried liver with apple pieces and the other was some kind of liver balls rolled in shredded cheese. I think it is enough for a week’s supply of three meals a day. Sure wish I had some of my good American friends at my side with whom I could share this delicious food!

Wednesday is scheduled and time has been allowed in the late afternoon for the Veterans of Chernobol to host me to a meal. They have told me they have been thinking of the cuisine with which to feed me—Anatoly has a “secret” formula that he uses with his boiled fish soup; George (Yuri) said that this summer he fish for Goby and was successful (see this link for what the Goby is George told me that he has dried these and has kept a 6 liter jar packed full of them for me; and of course we will enjoy liver. Sure wish I had the warehouse guys sitting beside me to enjoy this hospitality!

Thursday morning I will arise for the early bus and travel to Kramatorsk. I’ll be teaching the Thursday night Bible class there. I am looking forward to being with those brethren again.
Thank you for your prayers and concerns on this mission trip.
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine
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