Thank you for your prayers—Cason has arrived & Kinnley is doing better!
The past few weeks since returning from Ukraine have been crammed with constant actions in preaching, reporting, writing the September/October newsletter which should be published in this coming week and in caring for the children.
Most are aware that last Monday little 2 year old Kinnley (Brian & Bekah’s daughter) was rushed to Vanderbilt Hospital in an almost comatose state. She has been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. We are working to get her levels within acceptable parameters. She is on 4 injections of insulin each day. She is doing well accepting the constant finger pricks and injections. We still have a ways to go before reaching the desired levels.
During all of this Bekah was at the point of going into labor with their third child. Yesterday they induced labor and Master Cason John Coggins made his appearance! He weighed 9lbs 2ozs and was 21 inches long. They are to come home from the hospital on this Thanksgiving Day!
The photo shows the attention that Cason will received from his big brother Hudson and his big sister Kinnley.
On this Thanksgiving Day I am grateful for the wonderful concern, support, encouragement and prayers that come because of the love God demonstrated in sending Christ so that a commonality of faith and strength in our oneness is possible while we struggle against the challenging rigors of living in this world.

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