December 2017 Newsletter

In the above photo you see distribution of a shipment to a children’s home that has 70 children – these are orphans and children from problem families. We gave away new shoes, clothes, rice mixes, toys and holiday presents to the children.

Dear brethren!

Please find the December 2017 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter. It is unreal that we have closed another year. 2017 has been marked by many amazing developments and successes for the Lord’s work. THANK YOU for all you did to help the Lord’s Cause.

Here is a note I received from our brother Aniefiok in Uyo, Nigeria. We shipped a container to Aniefiok in September and they are struggling to get it released and distributed.  I think you will find his news really encouraging:

“Please join us to celebrate the birth of a new child in God’s family. A young man we reached out to last week worshipped with us for the first time today. I had a private Bible study with him on Friday. He listened to the sermon I preached today with keen interest. When the song leader gave the song of invitation, he stood up before we reached the third line of the first stanza of the song. All could see the joy in his heart from the smile on his face as he confessed Jesus Christ as the son of God and the Saviour of the world. We gladly led him to the stream and got him baptized into Christ. Please keep him in your prayer that he will grow in the faith and join other Christian youths to be dedicated in serving the Lord. My wife and I and other Christians have a lot of work to do on him. In Christian service, Aniefiok Akpan, Uyo, Nigeria”

The New Year begins another blank page of your history in the involvement and advancement of the Lord’s Cause. I wonder what the conclusion of 2018 will record as to how opportunities were seized for the Lord?

My transition from Arkansas to Alabama continues to develop. Please make sure of the change in address for sending financial support.

The NEW address is:

Dalraida Church of Christ

Attn: Ukraine Missions

3740 Atlanta Highway

Montgomery, Alabama 36109

On the “For” line you can either put my name or just “JLK.”

I am looking forward to the transition being complete during the first quarter of the year. I am most eager to be with the Dalraida congregation and I have long appreciated the eldership for their constant encouragement and partnership in the Lord’s work. If any would like to contact the Dalraida eldership about my mission work you are welcome to contact them. Brother Bob McKee is one of the elders and has done mission world in a number of foreign fields. For direct communication you are welcome to contact Bob’s phone  (334) 452-5250 or email address at To communicate with all Elders, you can email at

THANK YOU for all you did in 2017 to contribute to the successes of the Lord’s Church as it steadfastly stood for God’s revealed Truth and doggedly march forward through Satan’s hindrances!

2018 is beginning with promises of great successes for the Lord!

To read the December 2017 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter please click this link:17 12 December Monthly Newsletter Supporters

John L. Kachelman, Jr.