January 2018 Newsletter

The above photo shows Masha’s village in traditional Ukrainian clothing. “Masha brought pictures from her village where men and women put on their national costumes and had pictures taken of them for American brethren. All of them send their love and gratitude for helping the village, for the Ultrasound machine and dental clinic that you gave them, as well as food, clothes and shoes.”

Here is the January 2018 UKRAINE MISSIONS newsletter. It is very late in publication because of a number of factors that have consumed every minute of January. I am still in the process of moving from Searcy, AR to Montgomery, AL, coordinating container loads to Ukraine, Nigeria and the Republic of Georgia, writing materials for a Church Leadership class I’ll teach in Ivano-Frankivsk and about 13 other things!

Here are 2 excerpts from this month’s newsletter for which I think you will offer thanksgiving to our Lord:

“I went to Kryvy Rig during winter break and took my boys with me to visit with their grandmothers. We took as many family buckets as we could with us and gave them out to people in need of those things. They asked us to thank you for the buckets. (We) gave away Bibles so that those people could study the Word of God on their own instead of listening to the nonsense that denominations are trying to impress on them. I was introduced to a single mother with 3 children that can hardly make ends meet. Her children are 13, 9 and 6 years of age. Upon my return to Ivano-Frankivsk, I send them several boxes with clothes and shoes. Having received those boxes, she called me and there was so much joy and gratitude in her voice that it made me feel as if I was the one to have received those boxes. She begged me to send big thanks to you on her behalf for your help to others. To which I said that she had better thank the Lord in the first place as He opened our hearts and gave us ways to help. I trust that even our smallest evangelistic efforts will help open hearts of people so that they will have room for our Creator and Savior to dwell there.”

“(W)e have met the family and it seems that they are looking for the true God. This is a young family, they have two children and the elder one has cerebral palsy. The father of this young women is Pentecostal. They live in Stariy Lysets close to us. We had an opportunity to help this sick child. (W)e will continue to communicate with this family. Maybe we have met each other to bring them to God. I talked with the father of this young women he is attending the Pentecostals. He was asking me about the teaching of churches of Christ. We will continue to communicate with them. Probably they will be also open to the gospel.”

THANK YOU for your continued support and encouragement! I leave for Ukraine on 18 March after morning worship with the Dalraida congregation.

To read the January 2018 UKRAINE MISSIONS newsletter please click on this link: 18 01 January Monthly Newsletter


John L. Kachelman, Jr.