In the above photo you see a worshipping assembly
in Izum, Ukraine!
The Lord’s Day dawned at -9C in Kramatorsk, Ukraine! The past two days have seen the sunshine melting much of the snow but a huge amount still remain. The melting during the day quickly turns to slippery ice and the already snow packed sidewalks are really treacherous. Thankfully there have been no serious falls.
The worship at Kramatorsk went well and there was a good number gathered together. It is always a joy to worship with this congregation and enjoy the fellowship shared.

Today it was announced that one of the sisters had her “cook kitchen” blow up yesterday. This is not the main house but is a separate cooking building but it is the only part of their living quarter that has heat in the winter. There was an announcement that after worship all available men were to go over to the house and try to help put things back together.
With the emergency work going on at the sister’s house those going to Izum were just me, Vlad and Tanya. Vlad says that usually there are at least 6 and sometimes there are so many that they take a van.
The ride to Izum was 1-2 hours and was really pretty as we drove through the countryside covered with snow. We had one stop at a checkpoint but that was nothing major. Meeting us in Izum was Albina, her daughter Lena and grandson Ivan. Lena’s husband is usually there but had to be away today. Albina’s husband, Victor, passed away last year. We met around a table and sang, prayed, had a Bible study and observed the Lord’s Supper. After the worship had concluded Lena brought out a meal—pickled watermelon, pieces of fried fish, mashed potatoes, sausage, meat cutlets, cheese and bread. Afterwards we enjoyed hot tea and coffee. We sat and enjoyed the meal and talked until it was time to go back to Kramatorsk where a 5:00 p.m. worship assembly had been scheduled for those unable to be at the morning assembly.
Later in the evening as we drove back to the hotel Vlad said, “It has been a good day!” and he was correct. The day was full of driving and delightful assemblies with good-hearted brethren!
Tomorrow I will visit a number of locations where our containers have been distributed and meet with those who are assisting us in our efforts. Tomorrow is to be warm and more sunshine so more melting!
Continue praying for our efforts and the opening of doors by which the gospel can be preached!
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Kramatorsk, Ukraine
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