Report #9–April 1, 2018

The above photo is of the church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine assembled for worship on the Lord’s Day 01 April 2018 as they observe the Lord’s Supper.

I have arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk after a day of travel from Zaporozhe. When I arrived, I saw green grass and the ground for the FIRST time since arriving in Ukraine! We left Kyiv and  mountains of snow were piled on the tarmac.

An interesting note is obvious this weekend…Ukraine is a nation torn between the eastern calendar and the western calendar! The western calendar celebrates Easter on April 1, but the eastern calendar celebrates it on April 8. The difference between these religious calendars is causing big problems in Ukraine. Russia requires the eastern calendar observances—so Easter and Christmas are usually on different days from what is observed in the west. Ukraine is doing all she can to distance herself from Russia so it is now observing the western calendar. BUT you just don’t “undo” ingrained behavior. So, Ukraine currently has TWO holidays for Christmas and TWO holidays for the Easter observances (Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Easter).

Ivan greets everyone as Tanya translates
Nana leading singing


The Lord’s Day dawned cloudy and threatening rain. However dreary the weather was outside the atmosphere inside the meeting place was bright and cheerful! We had around 50 to assemble for worship and Bible study. The period was uplifting and wonderful as we joined together in song and the fellowship bond that unites us was strengthened.

There were two birthdays celebrated after the worship—John Durham and Anya Skoleba. The Church remained for fellowship and refreshments after worshipping.

Following the worship assembly John and I met with the men of the congregation and discussed some basic mechanics that will help the local congregation function smoothly. Hopefully the suggestions on how to conduct men’s business meetings, report on the congregation’s life together and focus on congregational work priorities will be helpful to the congregation.

In today’s assembly Ivan announced that the bricks for the walls of the church building are to begin being laid starting next week. He said that last year we laid the foundation and started using the storage facility for containers and worship and this year all hope that the walls and roof will be finished!

Tomorrow I begin teaching a class in the World Bible Institute preacher training school in western Ukraine. My class will be on “Church Leadership.”

Continue praying for our efforts and the opening of doors by which the gospel can be preached!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Zaporozhye, Ukraine

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