Report #10–April 2, 2018

The above photo is of the opening class taught for WBI on “Church Leadership.”

This morning greeted me with a cold wind and snow showers!!

Today began the class on “Church Leadership” that I am teaching for the preacher training school of World Bible Institute. We had a good class present and the opening sessions focused on the purpose of leadership in the Church being a servant with the mind of Christ. We covered four sessions today and will cover five sessions in the remaining classes. A final exam will be given at the end.

After classes I had a long discussion on the more recent problems in shipping humanitarian aid into Ukraine. Over the past few months there have been some major changes in the way containers are received and cleared. In the past we could get clearance for distribution in 1-2 days BUT now it takes weeks. In the past we only had to deal with 1-2 Control Agencies BUT now those agencies have multiplied and more and more want to get in on the process.

Today I learned that recent maneuvers require those receiving free clothing, shoes, hygiene items, etc to disclose to the State what they have received and then they are to pay tax on these gifts! If the recipients receive a check from the State then whatever Taxation determines is deducted from that check! Consequently, some who have been given clothing are bringing it back so they will not have to face Taxation.

This is pure EVIL being shown by these government control agencies!

This has been reported to me as I have visited a number of places. But the most obvious demonstration of this pure evil is found in Kyiv. In order to get humanitarian aid into Ukraine you have to have approvals from the Ministry of Social Policy. Within this government monstrosity is Customs, Homeland Security, Medical, Ecology, and Security. All have to give permission. When I arrived in Kyiv I heard that the one in charge of Security was recorded as promising to get clearance and approval for any number of containers IF he was paid $5,000.00 per month!

Governmental corruption has reached a point that many say it was easier under Yanukovich!

Those involved in such greedy actions are well described by Isaiah, “Your rulers are rebels and companions of thieves; Everyone loves a bribe and chases after rewards. They do not defend the orphan, nor does the widow’s plea come before them” (1:23).

A note to the government officials reading this…Read again the prophet Isaiah and understand clearly that your actions and your greed and your evil will be judged by the Almighty God and you WILL face His wrath. You may make money from the humanitarian aid sent for orphans and widows but your riches here will not bribe away God’s fury as you stand in the Judgment Day!

Continue praying for our efforts and the opening of doors by which the gospel can be preached!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine