Report #12 — April 6, 2018

The above and below photo shows you the Ivano-Frankivsk church of Christ assembled for Bible study on Wednesday evening.

Wednesday night Bible Class
Sveta and Ludmilla unloading veggies given by a village

The past two days have been packed so full of activity that it was impossible to send a report. All was a blur of activity and trying to remember each specific stop and activity is not


Things continue to go well in the WBI class on Church Leadership and our onsite inspections of distributions is really encouraging.

Our distributions have really made a positive impact for the Lord’s Church. Items were taken to a village and shared with them. The village was so thankful that they wanted to reciprocate in some way so they went to their cellars and came out with beets, carrots and potatoes that they gave the Church. Sveta and Ludmilla divided up these veggies and gave them out to the Church. All were very appreciative and Emmanuel said the Medical Students really appreciated these as it helped them.

Clothing distribution at the Church center
Storage racks waiting for distribution

Other follow up visits on the distribution of humanitarian aid has been filled with expressions and actions of deep appreciation. The storage facility is full and constant distributions are being made.

Inside the storage/distribution building
Storage and Distribution building on the Church’s lot

I visited the town of Synatin where we have been working for three years. It is a 2 hour drive from Ivano-Frankivsk. The efforts there have really made an impact. Those assisting us want to attend the church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk but it is too far away so they are asking us to start a congregation there. This couple hosted me for an afternoon meal after showing me some of the distribution sites. They told us they wanted to attend Church but had visited all there and all seemed to be concerned with earning money and not spiritual matters.

Residents at the Synatin men’s home enjoy a sunny day
Certificate of gratitude from the Men’s Special Needs Facility
A resident at the Snyatin men’s home wanted us to take a photo with him

Ivan said they had planned on trying to start a congregation in Synatin but now have decided to focus on efforts to help us become more known in Ugorniky. So Synatin waits. Actually, our involvement in Synatin was initiated in 2008 when we helped ship relief into flooded areas. I have a book that was signed and personally delivered to me by the Synatin Deputies while I was in Starry Lysets.

In Synatin I visited the facility that houses adult men who are mentally disabled. There were two such facilities in the town but a month ago the State moved both into one complex. There are 350 men institutionalized here. The Director met us and told us how much they appreciated the assistance they had received. They were especially thankful for the clothes and adult diapers that were given to them. On our visit Ivan took some of the dry food mixes and shoes for the residents.

Food and shoes being distributed
Brick laying begins next week!

Continue praying for our efforts and the opening of doors by which the gospel can be preached!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine