The above photo shows distribution of medical supplies and furnishings that had been shipped from Searcy, AR and were given to one of the hospitals that are tasked with treating those severely wounded by Russia’s continuing military destruction in its invasion and occupation of portions of eastern Ukraine and Crimea.
Here is the newsletter for UKRAINE MISSIONS MAY 2018!
The reported news comes from a number of brethren and it is exciting to share their progress, dreams and plans. Your support and encouragement help encourage them to remain steadfast in their mission.
A snippet of Tetiana Zozulina’s report on the mission trip reads:
“There is still a lot to do…but we trust and believe the Lord will provide, and we pray asking Him to take care of things and thanking Him for blessing us in amazing ways. We thank Him for you, for your big kind hearts that are open wide onto us, for helping us bear our burdens, for being a refreshment to our souls, and just for being our beloved brethren in Christ!!! May the Lord guide you, protect you, take care of you, strengthen you, outpour His love and mercy abundantly on you and may His light always shine in your lives!!!”

This is Sofia. The daughter of Ivanka, the sister of Masha Skoleba. Sofia lives in a village that has received commodities from our shipments.
Thank you for your generous support and excited encouragement in our efforts!
Read through May’s Newsletter and rejoice in the great good that is recorded. YOU had a part in this success! THANK YOU!
Click this link to open the May 2018 Newsletter! 18 05 May Monthly Newsletter
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Dalraida Church of Christ
Ukraine Missions
3740 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, Alabama 36109
Mobile| 901-626-4538
“The greatest trees stand today because some NUT held his ground!”
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