“But the Lord gave the Increase!”

The above photo: Volodya Didukh immerses Mykola and Oleksandra

I received an excited phone call from Jim Akridge (Clarkson, KY). Jim’s first words were “Boy do I have good news for you!”

We love to hear good news.

Jim was calling about the immersions of two in Starry Lysets this past Sunday. During his last visit Jim had studied with this couple and had good discussions with them on their spiritual security. They had been contacted by a cousin Volodya Kuriy.

Once Volodya had become a Christian he wanted his family to know the joy that he had discovered. So eager is he to share the gospel that Volodya became one of the first students in the preacher training school in Ivano-Frankivsk (World Bible Institute). His cousin has been attending the worship and Bible study sessions in Ivano-Frankivsk for some time and many of us who have visited there will remember them being present.

When the Clarkson, KY Church started working in Lysets and Starry Lysets, Volodya and Julia Didukh moved there and began working. They have distributed humanitarian aid, taught in the schools, assisted whoever needed help, and have classes in nearby villages. They continued study with Volodya K’s cousin and wife (Mykola and Oleksandra).

Jim arranged for Mykola and Oleksandra to attend the Bible camp that Mike Lawson and Bill Wharton coordinate. The camp offered more study and discussion.

I received word that there would be two immersions on Sunday and eagerly awaited the news and information. Sunday I received the following from Tanya and then the next day Jim’s excited call was received—GOOD NEWS!

“I’ve had a very good day today. Worship was good. There was a large number of Americans visiting as they had been involved in a camp. Inna was there with them. Today we rejoice in two who were immersed! These are Mykola and Oleksandra. Along with Volodya and Julia Didukh, Mykola and Oleksandra (Sasha) are the beginning of the Church in Lysets/Stary Lysets. Volodya baptized them and both he and Julia were excited to have these first Christians in their area. Mykola is Volodya Kuriy’s cousin (JK Note: this is the Volodya who is a taxi driver and attends WBI as he has opportunity to be free from his job). Oleksandra was very emotional and she told me how much it meant to her and how special and solemn the day was to her. I saw her eyes well up with tears when she said that. They are a very sweet couple.

“I interpreted for Ivan and other men that spoke. After worship ended we had fellowship time and refreshments that had been baked by different sisters. Then we went to the baptism and all Americans visiting went with us. It was very good time and so encouraging!

“Sasha (Oleksandra) was so appreciative of everybody coming and she spoke and thanked everybody. Like I said, they seem to be a very sweet couple.

“After immersions the Americans had to leave but those of us who could stay went to the nearby restaurant for a meal.”

The KEY to Church growth is in this report. The key to growing God’s Church is NOT in some emotional gimmick but in the simple teaching of God’s gospel. The key to growing God’s Church is NOT in adherence to manmade traditions and loyalty to a favored doctrine. The key is not the eloquence of some “communicator” who trivializes the Holy Scripture by reducing its application to movies or musicians. The key is not in entertainment but education.

The KEY to Church growth is revealed by Inspiration, “(T)he Lord gave opportunity to each one. I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth” (1 Corinthians 3:5-7).

Church growth is NOT dependent upon anything that man does. It is dependent upon the teaching of the gospel message. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to know what grows the Church. You do not have to be multi-talented in theatrics, music, oratory skills, etc. All you need to do is teach God’s Word. The narrative of Mykola and Oleksandra illustrates how the simple teaching and study of God’s Word “caused the growth.” So many were involved in the planting and watering BUT the true cause of growth was God’s “increase.”

Tell me the old, old story, of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love;
Tell me the story simply, as to a little child,

Tell me the story slowly, that I may take it in

Tell me the story softly, with earnest tones and grave;

Tell me the old, old story: “Christ Jesus makes thee whole.”

How tragic that many “churches” today have replaced God’s simplicity with their self-willed approaches to church growth.

Be encouraged by this narrative and find motivation to use only the Bible as the blueprint for Church growth and outreach! Let those seeking to serve God truly be a People of God’s Church trusting not in worldly wisdom for church growth but trusting only in the Lord’s protocol principles for church growth. This is stated in Zechariah 4:6, “‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.”

Let’s stop the silliness that has compromised sermons; let’s shun the sin to make assemblies exciting and entertaining for man instead of devoted reverence to the Almighty God.

Church growth is simple…man plants, waters and nurtures the gospel seed AND GOD gives the increase. The key is not in entertainment but education.


John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Dalraida Church of Christ

Ukraine Missions

3740 Atlanta Highway

Montgomery, AL 36109

“The greatest trees stand today because some NUT held his ground!”