Local Church Collecting “Buckets Of Blessings” For Displaced Families In Ukraine [WAKA Montgomery]

The news article and video below were posted by WAKA News (Alabama News Network) in Montgomery, AL about collecting buckets to send to Ukraine.


by Jalea Brooks

Dalraida Church of Christ in Montgomery is helping provide families on the other side of the world with some basic necessities one bucket at a time; but need a little help to complete their mission.

The church is collecting “Buckets of Blessings” or 5 gallon buckets stuffed with everyday & ordinary items like personal hygiene products and cleaning supplies. The buckets will be distributed to families in East Ukraine that fled their homes after an invasion of the Russian military.

The goal is to fill and ship 1,500 buckets by the end of July, in order to arrive in Ukraine by the churches next mission trip in October. Though, coordinator John Kachelman admits, the goal is a big one. “If there are some food services that use 5 gallon buckets maybe pickles or other things…we would love for you to donate the empty ones to us” he said. “We will gladly pick them up”.

If you can’t provide a complete bucket filled with items, the church is also collecting individual items from a “Bucket List”. If you’d like to help in any way, you can find a complete list of requested items, and other info available here.