Report #5 — Sept. 16, 2018

(Photo: The photo above shows the end of the worshipping assembly in Mfumbi. The assembly concludes with the congregation singing a hymn as they filed out of the building. They will form a circle as they continue to sing. They file out shaking each other’s hand until they get to the end of the line and there they stop and wait for the next member to come and stand alongside them. As the hymn concludes the congregation has filed out shaking all hands and forming a circle with the meetinghouse. As the hymn ends the preacher thanks all for attending and exhorts them to return to study God’s Word.)
Mfumbi Church of Christ 16 September 2018

MFUMBI ASSEMBLY. Cheryl drove Gif and me to the village Mfumbi. John was going to be our interpreter from English into Swahili. The washed-out road turned taking us over a railroad and down into a dusty village. Cheryl stopped at a small brick building that is the meetinghouse for the Lord’s People in the village. Immediately we were surrounded with smiling children who were excited to see us.

An older brother came out to meet us. His name was Isaac Chando. He has been preaching the gospel in this area since the 1960s. He has been given a motorcycle and each day of the week he rides to a different village and preaches. He greeted us warmly and asked us to tell his Christian family in America hello and that he loves them! He was a genuine delight.

Isaac Chando & John

The assembly began with a song calling all to worship and then several more songs followed. The songs were available in a bi-lingual songbook. I was impressed with the words of the hymns as they followed the biblical injunction to teach and admonish one another. One of the songs sung had words urging “Stop the evil actions and look to heaven; Do good and leave your evil ways.” Another hymn had this title and words: “We Thank You Lord” and sang, “We thank you Lord for your love; you were persecuted for our sins. We will pay what the Lord asks; We ask you to receive our sanctified spirit.” Being involved in the singing service is most interesting. It seems to be the custom that the song leader gives the pitch for the song by singing the first stanza and then all are directed to join in singing. The singing is earnest, devout and all participate.

After the appropriate songs and prayers, I presented a lesson on the three critical points for genuine Christianity (1 Timothy 1:5). Then brother Isaac presided at Communion and then Gif spoke about the offering. Following the closing prayer, a number of announcements were made and the preacher sternly exhorted members to be present before assemblies started as their tardy arrivals distracted the devotion that is due God. After that we “sang-out” the assembly!

It was a delightful assembly with a wonderful number of children (who came early) and at the end of the assembly there was a good number of adults present as well.

MAHANGO CHOSI & CHIMALA A ASSEMBLIES. Colin and Mary were taken to the morning assembly at the Mahango Chosi congregation. Here are his thoughts on the morning’s assembly. “Ellen and I attended the morning services. They are very small (about 15 were present). I was given the opportunity to preach at the assembly. In the afternoon we visited the Chimala A congregation. We really enjoyed both services, especially their melodious singing. The morning Church had cement benches for pews but the afternoon Church had wooden pews. The Chimala A congregation is building a larger building to accommodate their growth.”

KIMANI CHURCH ASSEMBLY. Simba went with Howell and Mary to another congregation. Here is his report on the assembly. “It’s been an eventful weekend so far. This morning I was able to preach at the Kimani Church of Christ and meet some of the men and women who have been impacted by the Chimala Mission. The people here are very cheerful and welcoming. Everyone I meet laughs when I tell them my name is Simba. My favorite quote so far is a man named John who jokingly said, ‘Simba eats the heads of men so I will stay far away.’ This afternoon I rode two-hours one way to the airport to get my and Gif’s bags back. I was very excited to get them back because my only stick of deodorant is in that bag and it is a bit warm in Tanzania. We have already seen some great things at the mission and I look forward to what we will see in the next few days.”

Monday we are to begin the day early by meeting with the preacher training school. We are to speak at their morning devotional which begins at 7:30 a.m. After visiting the Chimala Bible Institute (CBI) we will go and visit all of the schools in the Chimala Mission compound. On Monday Gage is to begin the first ground work on the agriculture project and then Howell and Bill are to begin meetings on introducing the new agriculture plan to the preacher school and others who will be involved.

Continue to pray for us as we continue in this mission.
John L. Kachelman, Jr.