Reflections by Justin Boyd:
One of my favorite things about being a child of God is the fellowship within the brotherhood of Christ. I enjoyed getting to worship with my brothers and sisters in Ivano-Frankivsk. The consistency between congregations around the world despite the absence of any man made structure speaks to the power of God’s word.
I especially enjoyed the time I got to spend with Zoriana and her family. Zoriana has been studying English and was eager to practice on me. It was great learning about Ukrainian culture first hand. She even was patient enough to teach me a few words of Ukrainian. She was also very curious about the US and I tried to describe the differences between northerners and southerners. I even taught her a few new words like redneck, maters, and mash taters. We all had a good chuckle.
Reflections by Will Tucker:
Yesterday was an uplifting day for our Dalraida Mission Team. We began the day with a wonderful breakfast together in the Churchill Restaurant. Ukrainian food has become a delight to many here already. After finishing breakfast we gathered together with the church family. We were greeted with hugs and smiles as we entered the building. I was especially grateful to see so many friends who I meet 5 years ago. It was wonderful to see Ivan Scoleba and his dear wife along with his children. I enjoyed fellowshipping with Andrew whose home I was welcomed in to upon my last visit. I quickly realized how much the church at Ivano-Frankivsk has grown since my last visit. So many new brothers and sisters to meet.
As worship began it was wonderful to see the unity within the church as we worshipped alongside fellow brethren from Ukraine, Ghana and Americans. I was reminded of 1 Corinthians 12 where Paul address the church at Corinth and pointed out the fact that even though the world may see different cultures, race and/or ethnicity we are united in the blood of Jesus Christ. Worshipping together in One Spirit united by the blood of Jesus Christ was such an uplifting and joyful experience. I look forward to tomorrow.
Reflections by Scott Lockwood:
How great it is to be back in this country once again. After two years the memories keep flooding back. Jesus’ church is strong and loving and reminds me once again how great the church is and how wonderful is the wisdom of God. Our worship on Sunday morning was uplifting and encouraging to join in like hearts and minds with people from across the globe.
I had looked forward to reuniting with friends from my previous visit and the reunion was better than anticipated. These Christians are much more a blessing to us than we are to them I believe. What a sobering reminder to Americans about discipleship that is committed and dedicated in the face of ostracization and disdain. Once again I have been reunited with great friends from Africa as well that attend the medical school here. I dream of one day visiting them in their home country of Ghana and joining the work there.
This visit is special for me also because two of my daughters have been able to join me here. I watch with keen interest in their reactions and their impressions of a country and culture that I am fond of. As predicted they have already made great connections with the young folks here. The english is good among young people and they have been able to strike up friendships easily. Telling them about the country is one thing but watching them make their own observations and digest what they are seeing is quite rewarding for me.
The Lord is truly wonderful and my hopes are that we can continue to fervently help with the work here. These people are carving out a small presence of the Lord’s church in a place where the orthodox religion continues to maintain a strangle hold on Truth and is afraid of open investigation of the scriptures.
Please keep us in your prayers and continue to support this effort where the church is truly are a shining light in a dark world. Communism is gone but the after effects are deeply rooted in the culture here. What a reminder that God only has so many reapers in His kingdom and how heartbreaking if we neglect opportunities given while the fields are white unto harvest.
Reflections by Alex Lockwood:
When we landed in the airport we were instantly greeted by smiling faces who were elated to see us in Ukraine. As we worshipped with them the next morning we could see how encouraged they were to have us there. GIF and Simba have started a study with the teens that has been very successful and we hope to be able to help with that work while we are here. Ainsley and I have met some young girls here who I think will have special places in our hearts forever. Their eagerness to speak English to us is heartwarming and has made communication between us all fairly easy.
After being in the Ukraine for a little over a day It can be said that the people here are friendly and receptive. We hope this weeks endeavors will continue to be successful and that our work here will touch peoples lives in a way that they can continue strong in the faith the once we are gone.
Reflections by Ainsley Lockwood:
There have been so many unexpected events that have happened since we arrived in Ivano-Frankivs’k. One of the most amazing surprises was upon our arrival at the airport when we were greeted by half the church. It was incredible to see so many smiling faces welcoming us with open arms even if they didn’t know how to say it in English. To see how excited they were that we were here was heartwarming. I was surprised to have made two very wonderful friends right off the bat, two girls from the church welcomed alex and me as if we had known them for years.
The Church service was definitely favorite of mine as we sang hymns in both languages. It was a beautiful thing to be apart of a moment that seemed most heaven like.
As we embarked on another journey to the starry lessets village festival it was awesome to see the cultural embrace that the people had whether it be with what they wore or the pride they had singing their national anthem. What a glorious sight.
After observing the people and the culture I already know my time in Ukraine will be an experience that will never be forgotten.
Reflections by Mike Moody:
We loved worshipping with fellow Christians in Ivano-Frankevsk. There were also students from Ghana, Africa. The weather may have been colder, but the people made us feel warm inside. After a wonderful meal, we enjoyed an afternoon celebrating the 602th anniversary of Starry-Lasset. There were many performances of children and adults and John was honored for his great works of the community. We can’t wait to visit the schools tomorrow and introduce the kids to America.
Reflections by David Fletcher:
As we worshipped I was reminded of the services we experienced in Gorlovka. The service was enthusiastic and standing room only.
Lunch followed then we left to experience full immersion in the Ukrainian culture. We attended City day as the city of Starry Lysets was celebrating their 602th birthday. John presented the mayor a gift. It was well received an an invitation was issued for us to return to visit with the city Thursday. The people are receptive to our visit.
Reflections by Doug Schofield:
What a wonderful day we had yesterday! At morning worship we experienced the warm fellowship of fellow Christians. There were no strangers, because of our unity in Christ.
In the afternoon we were immersed in the local culture of a small town as they celebrated their 602nd anniversary! There was wonderful food, traditional performances, plus gracious and hospitable people. There could not have been more beautiful weather.
The local mayor was most gracious to us, entertaining us in many ways. He invited our entire group on stage with him as John made a presentation of gifts to the mayor and the village.
Today promises to be adventurous; please pray that we may be effective in our efforts.
Reflections by John Kachelman III:
I had never imagined that I would have celebrated by 40th birthday in another country, but that is exactly what happened. Although I hated that I could not spend my birthday with Monica and the girls, celebrating it with my Ukrainian Christian family was a wonderful experience. The mission team started off my day by singing “Happy Birthday” and then we headed to breakfast before worship with the brethren.
Worshipping with brethren around the world is a great experience and yesterday was no exception. The kindred spirit that we all enjoy with fellow Christians is really an awesome experience. No matter what side of the world we are on, we can enjoy worshipping in spirit and truth together! I always love to hear the singing of songs of praise to God in multiple languages together. Scott’s sermon, David Fletcher’s thoughts before the Lords Supper and Bill’s comments and words in his prayer reinforce the strength of our team. The brethren were so gracious and thankful that we were here and eager to work with us this week.
Our week has a lot of moving parts, and I am anxious to get moving. I continue to be amazed at our group and their willingness to adjust as we deal with additional situations in country. This team is wonderful and it is just a reflection of our Dalraida family and all that we are able to do together as a unified group of Christians. Whether in Montgomery or in Ivano-Frankivsk, you can see how we are able to work together and accomplish much for the Lord.
Keep us all in your prayers as we embark on a week full of events and pray that we will make a huge impact here and with those who have not heard the gospel message.