Report 32—October 16, 2018

Above Photo: Victor is reading a certificate of gratitude from the military in regard to the practical assistance we have been able to deliver to those suffering from Russia’s evil.

Victor and Sergii were awarded medals by Ukraine’s Minister of Defense for taking supplies and critically needed relief commodities into the war zone. Victor said the Defense Minister wanted to give me a medal but since I was a foreigner it would take a long process to make it happen. That’s ok with me because Victor, Sergii and others deserve the recognition.
Sergii delivering commodities inside the war zone. He is walking ahead of the truck to look out for mines the Russians have placed so that supply and evacuation of the wounded will be hampered.

Greetings from Vinnytsia, Ukraine!

This is a city of 500K+ in population and we have shipped several containers into this location. We work with an organization whose labor is eagerly provided by the pensioners of the city and whose logistics are coordinated by Ukrainian military. If you go back and re-read some of the monthly newsletters you will read of this organization. Through this group we have been able to send critical supplies into the war zones around Luhansk and Donetsk.

The unprovoked invasion and occupation by Russia of eastern Ukraine has brought horrendous evil. In recent months the Red Cross and United Nations have ceased any help to those trapped inside the ATO zones. The only help they are receiving often comes from those involved in our efforts directed from Vinnytsia. Look back and see they children trapped, the elderly unable to leave, and the medical stations that are often very limited in providing proper care. Often our trucks will take in loads of supplies for the vulnerable and then evac the wounded back to a safer treatment area.

The ineptness and callous attitudes of the Red Cross and UN are illustrated by this situation. Some bright planner decided that if those inside the ATO zones were given chickens they could raise chickens, have eggs and thus have a stable food supply. So, the Red Cross and UN brought truckloads of baby chicks. They were told by one old lady, “We cannot raise chickens because we have been living in cellars for four years.” Undeterred by common sense the chicks were left and a coop was built—this night Russian rockets and gunfire destroyed the coop and chicks. But the Red Cross and UN were far away relishing the “good job” they had done to help those trapped.

The day has been full here and more is to come! Sergii leaves early in the morning on another mission to the east. It will be 3,000 kilometers in another version of the “beast” of a truck that Mike Moody referenced in an earlier report!

Continue to praying for this mission!
John L. Kachelman, Jr.

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