Construction Continues Amazing Progress in 2018! 10 November 2018

The construction of the complex of buildings on the plot of land donated by Village Ugorniky has really become more visible this year. We had already constructed the Storage/Distribution building and it has been used for storage, distribution and temporary assemblies. We have constructed a service/utility building that has been used in fabricating construction materials and also in repair and refurbishing items that were shipped and then distributed in the Lord’s Name. Last year the foundation was poured and at the end of 2017 bricks for the first level were purchased before price increases hit us. The Ivano-Frankivsk brethren set 2018 goal as walls and roof up so the project would be dried in before winter weather hit. Once dried in the brethren would work themselves on completing the remaining work and save money.

The total estimated cost for this project’s complex was $700,000 and thankfully, because of the brethren’s work and involvement in doing some of the construction, the total cost thus far has been $394,000! Financially, all that remains for the project to be “dried in” and our brethren take on the remaining efforts of completion is the final brick purchase and the roof installed (estimated total is $120,000).

On a recent visit of those from the Dalraida congregation the construction was inspected and all were impressed with the project’s status and the urgency for such to be completed. Mike Moody made this observation: “Our first stop was the site of the new church building. We were so impressed with the progress of the construction and Ivan, the minister of the congregation, was a proud tour guide. They still need over $100,000 to finish the project and we are counting on generous Christians to contribute to this most worthy cause.”

Once completed this construction will provide a complex of buildings for operations in Ivano-Frankivsk Region, all of western Ukraine, and even in neighboring countries. The use of the Distribution/Storage facility has been addressed in several reports. The Service/Utility building provides a shop that is critical for operations as some items are broken in shipping, other items need work to adapt them to the specific needs in hospitals or schools (you recently saw Pasha working on the school desks that were refurbished at the shop). The main structure will provide: an assembly room and a baptistry that is available 24/7; classrooms that will be used to teach Bible classes and thus the congregation will be able to offer classes to the community on various subjects (vocational classes; family counselling; teaching classes that will help strengthen the village community); rooms that will make the WBI classes more effective; lodging rooms for visiting guests; a fellowship room that also serves as a large distribution and work area. In addition to these planned purposes the large building will have a number of positive unknown purposes.

The major motivation has been to construct a complex that will glorify God by enabling the congregation to be more prepared and effective in their mission.

We have sent reports to inform and update as many as possible about this program. Thankfully the Lord’s Cause has moved a number of congregations and individuals to help fund this project. The brothers and sisters in Ivano-Frankivsk have given not only of their meager financial resources but they have “given themselves” in personal involvement in the construction efforts. I sent a report on these “work days” that the Church has energetically performed. Look back through the posts and re-read of these encouraging attitudes.

The Dalraida eldership is the “overseeing” congregation of the Ivano-Frankivsk congregation. An interesting twist in Ukrainian Law gives the Dalraida elders the “ownership” of this property assuring that it cannot be sold or used for any purpose expect “religious actions.” The Dalraida Elders have posted this letter regarding the construction project:


A recent update was sent to me that is linked below. This reports that the flooring and support for the second level has been completed in November.


As a summary let me make these observations:

The construction cost appears high until it is realized what is involved in this project. It is not only for a meeting place. It involves the large building where assemblies will be housed and a multitude of others activities will occur. It also includes the Distribution/Storage facility and the Service/Utility facility.

This complex expands humanitarian aid projects; provides classes offering biblical instruction; instructions for practical vocational learning to the community; and, offers training for developing critical social/civil skills for the community. This complex will continue and enhance a preacher training school focusing on Bible learning and practical vocational ministry so the preachers are not enslaved to supporters. It will be a structure that is open and inviting to the village offering various actions to interweave the Lord’s Church into the local community so it becomes the “salt and light” expected by God.

The meeting place is situated on the main road going into Ivano-Frankivsk and we cannot put up a building that would be perceived as a poor reflection upon the Lord’s Church—the basic culture looks at “religious buildings” reflecting the “truth” of the Church. While “bricks & mortar” do not constitute the “Church,” such is unknown by the community.

Regarding the maintenance of the building. The operation is designed to be self-sustaining. It owns its own electric transformer and can sell off part of the electricity it does not use (thus generating a positive income for its needs). It will have solar panels and will use solar energy as much as possible. It has its own potable water source as it sits on top of an artesian spring and one of the first things done in the construction was to drill a well.

The members are involved in construction and have talents for repair. They believe that after the construction reaches the point of being “dried-in” with a roof installed they can finish then entire structure and thus save more from the projected costs. I have seen their ability to repair (the renovated hospital wards at the maternity house and the dentist’s office at the women’s free clinic are just two of these examples). Their repair is on the same level as the professionals.

We are operating on a pay-go basis. The responsibility is upon the men of the congregation to be in charge. They are invested and doing everything they can do to help the construction proceed.

We have a web page dedicated to this construction project. You can access this by going to this link:

Here is the most recent financial report. We need funds to complete the remaining walls and install the roof. It is encouraging to receive communications from all over expressing interest in the completion of this project. It is an amazing project with an unlimited potential for the Lord’s work. If you can help us complete this current stage please do! Please pass along this need to others you know who are interested in western Ukraine!
